Ponzer The Propugnator
by Aceshot
Only pulled him once or twice. He hits like a brick, has a curse, and on either a time or damage % he summons 4 ^^^ wolf adds which much be OTed or they can kill MT.
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ozbatov 08-15-2011, 06:36 AM

It's not the signature quest; it is the teleportation questline that leads you to this named. (For Fallen Swords signature quest you need that teleport access too.)

Sanction 07-01-2011, 08:27 PM

It's The Fallen Sowrds questline.

Layenem 07-01-2011, 04:10 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Demilitch View Post
The x4 contested is the Vindicator. He is deep in the temple and you have to have at least one person who has done the signature quest up far enough to have access.
Just for clarity, which SQ are we talking about Demi?

Edrickx 06-28-2011, 04:27 PM

Both the named and the dogs will drop hate so make sure the tanks keep positionals up. He does not seem to kick back or anything, just cure heal and burn adds, pretty standard.

Demilitch 06-06-2011, 02:21 PM

The x4 contested is the Vindicator. He is deep in the temple and you have to have at least one person who has done the signature quest up far enough to have access.

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