Kreegar Krikneck + Challenge Version
by EQ-Raiders
Kreeger is a very simple fight if you remember one important thing. Your raid must stay within 15 meters of him. 10-15 meters is the ideal spot to stand from him. His AOE's hit harder closer than 9 meters and beyond 15 meters. Stay in this sweet spot and you will take the minimal amount of damage during this fight.

Kreeger will also spawn little adds during this fight that your raid will just burn through. These adds are called: 'a rime guardian'

Kreeger will mem-wipe occasionally meaning that your raid will need to adjust slightly if he ends up being closer or farther away and to get back into that 10-15 meter distance.

This fight is a true tank and spank once your raid is stabilized in the sweet zone.

Good luck!

Challenge Version

The challenge version of this fight is more of the same except that the adds have more hit points and of course the AOE's from Kreegar hit a bit harder.

The mem-wipe on Kreegar is a little harder to deal with as well.

Kreegar's Trauma AOE hits harder when you are within 15 meters of him. Also the Elemental AOE mana drain hits much harder the farther away you are. 15-17 meters is the sweet spot on this named. You can joust right on top of the mob for the elemental to almost completely negate the power drain, it does almost no damage to you.

The biggest thing is jousting out for the Trauma AOE.

Grab adds, burn adds and make sure your groups are prepped for that Trauma AOE. Fighter's will want to cycle their X2 debuff on this named as well.

Good Luck.
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Chaiyun 12-12-2011, 04:21 AM

Having an issue with the aoe times to help squishies joust the trauma, Krikneck's Fury, I have at 50 seconds and the power drain, Krikneck's Chaos at 40 seconds. When they overlap in HM it ends up disastrous. Any insight if I'm off with the times?

Otterbob 09-22-2011, 03:02 AM

We just kill the hard mode mob found it helpful to use 2 tanks to hold the name and one to hold the adds ma thru a scout and only cure the curse on the 2 tanks holding the main mob.

EQ-Raiders 09-14-2011, 05:42 AM

Good job and grats!

Quijana 09-14-2011, 03:17 AM

We just fought this fellow tonight for the second time and killed him =D
At about 8 and a half minutes in, he says he is getting angry. At about 9 and a half minutes he goes nuts and the raid pretty much wipes. So you need to get it dead before then.
And when you find the sweet spot, you really can pretty much just stay there. Worked great.
Thanks everyone!

ymarik 09-11-2011, 06:19 AM

On hard mode, the name and the adds both have the Symbiotic Aura ability (casting cooperative strike sometimes when they hit a target). For this reason, the adds MUST be pulled out of the tanks on the name.

The adds can drop a "target lock" curse on the off tank. This can be annoying for the off tank, but the curse is not lethal. It can sit for some time if necessary - there is no problem with this as long as the off tank can use enough AoEs or has enough hate transfers to hold agro on something they can't target.

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