Taaltak the Mighty + Challenge Version
by EQ-Raiders
Taaltak is part of an event that is started by clicking 1 of three buttons in the center of his room. Each button will progress a part of his ring event so your raid will have time to recoup after you complete each event. If you fail on Taaltak you will need to start all over.

**NOTE: The second named of the Ring Event has a Red Text Emote that your raid will need to joust 25 meters to avoid.**

When Taltak spawns he will spawn with about 8 adds. These adds are called 'a barbaric zealot'. It will only make sense for your raid to kill all adds that pop but not this time. This fight is similar to Vaclaz from the hole in which you will NOT kill all of these adds.

If you kill all of his adds he will say something to the effect that these barbarian whelps are not putting up a fight and he will call his brother "Saaltak" to his aide. Once Saaltak arrives their powers will combine and the two mobs will go all Captain Planet on your raid.

Leave 3-4 of the barbarian adds up and off tank them away from the raid so they don't get AOE'd and accidentally killed. Concentrate all further dps on Taaltak only.

Taaltak does have a nasty knockback so be sure to talk about your raid placement prior to starting your event. Taaltak also will do a "red text" emote (need text). When you see this text it is time to get away from him quickly. If you are too slow in getting away he will first cast a Trauma AOE that will root you and then his Red Text Emote explosion ability called Blast of Rage will kill you. Taaltak will root himself when he does this ability so just joust about 25 meters away and then move back in when you see him unroot.

The fight is rather simple. It is very much like alot of the TSO fights where you had to joust encounters based on the red text. Just off tank the adds and deal with the knockback properly in your MT group.

Good Luck!

Challenge Version

The challenge version of this encounter is handled the same way as the normal version. The only major differences is the overall damage done by the named and the adds is higher.
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Helraiser 01-31-2012, 01:23 PM

Yep, had seen your post but when I went thru ACT the AE's were hitting mutiple toons for 50k plus when the mob was below 10%. This occured even when toons were at heal - dps distance. In the end we backed off >50m which seemed to avoid the problem, then burned after his second AE. Possibly some toons were ignoring instructions and getting too close but after third pull we were keeping a watchful eye on that!

Sanction 01-30-2012, 05:50 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Helraiser View Post
Wiped on this mob (hm) at 10% tonight a few times, never had problems before. AE's hitting 5-10x harder after 10%. Applied similar strat to those above, taking mob to 15%, remove melee dps and range untilll AEs are done and then burn.
Quoting myself from a couple months ago. Rampage is your problem not his regular AoEs.

Quote Originally Posted by Sanction View Post
Rampage happens once Taaltak reaches 10% HP and lasts for 18 seconds. It is an AoE effect where everytime he is hit with a melee weapon it procs health and power drain around Taaltak (it may be 25% per hit but not entirely sure about that). It can be avoided with AoE blockers and death saves. You can also have your raid move out so only the tank takes the hits until the buff has worn off. Something to also keep in mind is if he heals back above 10% he will trigger the buff anew once reaching 10% again.

Helraiser 01-24-2012, 09:39 PM

Wiped on this mob (hm) at 10% tonight a few times, never had problems before. AE's hitting 5-10x harder after 10%. Applied similar strat to those above, taking mob to 15%, remove melee dps and range untilll AEs are done and then burn.

eq2googoomerry123 10-24-2011, 05:33 AM

Thank you Sanction.
Tips and information Appreciated.
Sounds very helpful to me.

Schrek 10-23-2011, 11:31 PM

we got him; we just had a druid in each group(running 3 groups atm) and had them all pop tortoiseshell at 10%, no fuss, no muss. Thanks again for the tips guys!

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