Arch Magistor Modrfrost + Challenge Version
by EQ-Raiders
Modrfrost will spawn adds that drop items that need to be used to cure members of your raid of a specific Elemental Detriment before it spreads to the rest of your raid and for also curing a Curse Detriment.

ModrFrost really has no hard hitting AOE's to worry about it. This fight is all about saving yourselves. Modrfrost will spawn two kinds of adds that both drop different items.

These items are called:

  • Echo Fragment
  • Elemental Shard of Frost

The Elemental Shard of Frost is used to cure the two non-curable elementals that appear every 60 seconds on your raid. If you do not cure these detriment it will spread to your entire raid and will eventually overcome it. It is a large ticking nuke.

The Echo Fragment is used to cure TWO of the FOUR incurable arcane detriments that appear in your raid. Every 60 seconds you will have 4 members of your raid get this uncruable arcane. But only two of these can be cured safely. If you cure the wrong person it will spread to an additional four players nearby. The detriment you need to cure with that item is called Ghastly Pallor and it is something that can be tracked with Guild Connect or ACT. Once you cure the two people the arcane can be ignored on your other members as it will not affect them. Just wait for the next two people to cure.

You can not farm the items you need to do for this fight. Once you pull Modrfrost the items you would previously have in your inventory will disappear. You do need atleast one back up per person using the items because if your clickie guys get the detriment they are curing they can't do it.

You do get 6 items per chest that drops. So you can let others get the chest as long as your clickie people are not wasting their charges.

Modrfrost will also cast a curse on member's of your raid called Lethal Proximity. This curse lands on one person every 45 seconds or so. If you do not cure this it will spread to the rest of your raid. Cure all curses for the Easy mode version of this fight.

Kill the adds, keep people cured. The named will do very little damage to you.

Good Luck!

Challenge Version

The challenge version of Modrfrost is not very different from the normal version. basically a few of the detriments have been doubled up.

The only real AOE ability that Modrfrost has gained is a elemental knockback ability as well as enhanced damage for all his aoe abilties given that this is the challenge mode version.

The Everlasting Fire detriment that is cured by the frost runes will now show four people in the raid with only two of them required to be cured, much like the Ghastly Pallor detriment from the easy mode version. Ghastly Pallor still works the same way.

The second addition is that of the curse Lethal Proximity. Two people rather than the normal one person from normal mode will now get this curse placed on them. Lethal Proximity is cured, Lethal Propinquity (which will also be cast on two people) is NOT cured.

The third addition to this fight is another curse by the name of Magistor's Scourge. Two people will get this curse and this curse NEEDS to be cured. Two people will also get Magistor's Curse and you will NOT cure this curse.

Magistor's Scourge can be discovered using the ACT detrimental plugin or Guild Connect call just like all the above curses can but the apostrophe is different in this word than your typical one. The way the curse is spelled out and the type of apostrophe used is this (copy the spell name into your ACT or Guild Connect calls):
Magistor’s Scourge
You will get two pairs of the adds that Modrfrost spawns on incoming and after that you will get the standard two spawns. Your initial DPS should kill an add that drops the echo fragment first as Ghastly Pallor is the first detriment to hit that needs to be used. Everlasting Fire will hit about 10 seconds later. So just alternate the adds at first if your dps is not very AOE heavy. (Echo, Frost, Echo, Frost)

The fight is done the exact same way as the normal version fight. There are no special tricks needed later on in the fight. This fight is all about communication and managing cures. You will need atleast 7-8 healers in your raid to account for the curse cures.

Good Luck.
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ashur 02-23-2012, 05:27 AM

Is it posible for 1 person each to do the elemental/arcane cures? or do most have 2 or more?
Merged Post
Also is Tramatic swipe delay the curses or is it set always %60 sec despite this ca?

Sude 10-28-2011, 09:17 PM

That is called a tilde, and not the right key. Seriously, just copy and paste.

Sanction 10-28-2011, 09:13 PM

Quote Originally Posted by sollaris View Post
Sooo where is this NON normal apostrophe located on a standard keyboard. We have tried using the apostrophe on the TILDE key but that doesnt work. Any pointers?
I believe the key you are looking for is right above the Tab key at upper left cornor of the keyboard.

EQ-Raiders 10-28-2011, 07:33 PM

The apostrophe I believe is from an alt+ method of getting the apostrophe. Just copy it from the strategy posted above and you will be fine.

Sude 10-28-2011, 12:32 PM

Cut and paste from logs is how we got it the first time.

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