Imperator Kolskeggr + Challenge Version
by EQ-Raiders
Imperator can be a tricky fight if your raid does not have high enough dps.

During this fight you will see two kinds of epicx2 adds spawn: kromzek stormtrooper and static storm elemental.

kromzek stormtrooper is your typical OT mob with not alot of tricks. The static storm elemental will electrify the entire area around your raid. If you move while the static storm elemental is up you will blow up your raid. The static storm elemental will also lessen the range of all your abilities so your raid will need to be fairly close to the named to stay within range if the adds moves to your MT.

These adds spawn about every 45-60 seconds and have a decent amount of hp. Your raid will likely need to have a moderate amount of upgraded gear from Velious zones or be decked out in Wing three gear of Underfoot Depths to have a better chance of dropping this mob.

Challenge Version

This fight is much like the EM version. Kolskeggr has the same AoEs and curse.

The static storm elemental will do the uncurable elemental on your raid forcing you not to move. It spawns every 75 seconds.

Kromzek stormtroopers will spawn just before the static. In HM there are three spawn, all with co-op strike. Your tank on Kolskeggr may want to turn AoE auto attack off.

The biggest difference in this fight are the two kromzek strikemages that spawn. They will spawn shortly after the static in front of the statue at the back of the room where they stay rooted. Once they have popped they will start to one shot random people with 'Bolt of Slaying'. This hits every 15 seconds from EACH strike mage.

Pull spot will probably be different for most guilds on HM fight because of where the mages spawn. What my guild does is stack up just in front of the statue so we are just out of auto attack range of where the strikemages spawn. Kolskeggr is pulled back so the raid is on his heels. The off tanks pick up the stormtroopers and static as they spawn. We do not have a tank on the strikemages as everyone should be out of auto range. Ranged DPS on the mages as soon as they pop and everyone else on the static.

The downside to this strat is how close your raid is to Kolskeggr when Noxious Flame goes off. It will be beastly the first time you try it. But it's hard to find a different way to do it because of the spell range decrease from the static debuff.
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Sanction 01-30-2012, 05:43 PM

I am a fury and I always thought the nox flames hit just a little harder than most other AoEs at the same level. It took some practice to get to the point of solo healing the mage group through this mob. The fury needs to get a solid rotation down because the flames has a stifle component. I never liked to rely on the steadfast rune for this fight but it does help.

T-shell on pull and then make sure to cancel it as soon as flames hits. Second AoE; pop Serenity and Porcupine and again cancel both as soon as flames hit. Third one can be T-shelled. For fourth porcupine might be back up depending on reuse and use Natural Clense (if you are able to watch if your steadfast rune proc'd you might not have to waste this cure). 5th one can be shelled, 6th Serenity should be back up, 7th shell and so on. Don't forget about the signets as well.

Depending on how the fury specs they may either have another stifle breaker, Howling with the Pack or a group ward, Protective Instinct. I personally go with Howling incase the fight goes long however a group ward may help survivability during the rounds without AoE blocker.

Also remind your other healers to cross cure and cross ward. Assuming you have at least two warders they should be able to throw a single target ward on 2-4 people and still keep the tanks alive. And perhaps ask your enchanters to Sever Hate people in this group. The troub should using Turnstrike every time, the fury has a little better chance at not being one shotted so sever hate the mages in the group.

Also look at your mages HP and Critical Mitigation. If they have anything below 35k hp take a look at what AA spec they are using and anything below 230 Critical Mit make sure they have all the CM adorns they can get.

daw4888 01-26-2012, 03:22 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Demilitch View Post
Thats the problem, the mage group is getting wasted by the Nox flames almost every time if the fury doesn't have tortoise shell up. Am I missing something on how the heck to keep them alive? We can burn the hell out of all the adds, but those AE's come around and its over.
Get them farther away from the mob. They dont need to be hugging his but since they are ranged dps. Just dont get to far away, they need to be able to dps the statics when they are up.

Demilitch 01-26-2012, 02:38 PM

Thats the problem, the mage group is getting wasted by the Nox flames almost every time if the fury doesn't have tortoise shell up. Am I missing something on how the heck to keep them alive? We can burn the hell out of all the adds, but those AE's come around and its over.

daw4888 01-24-2012, 09:21 PM

That will be enough dps if you can keep your peeps alive.

Sanction 01-24-2012, 05:50 AM

You should be good with that amount of dps. could be wrong but I think you need about 1.5mil sustained not to get overwhelemed by adds but still kill him good time.

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