Legatus Prime Mikill + Challenge Version
by EQ-Raiders
Mikill is actually a rather easy fight once you discover what to do to beat him. His AOE's are not that special but you do need to mindful of his Trauma AOE. This needs to be cured right away. If you do not have a Shaman in each group you will want to joust this AOE if you tend to die from it.

You need to keep Mikill moving at all times during this fight. Infact, he can not stand still for more than five seconds. Some times it might seem like you can keep him still longer but that is only because he begins casting other abilities. It really is about five seconds at the very most.

You can do the moves really two ways.. you can kite him around the room with your main tank or you can choose a spot to drag him back and forth. Just remember to not have him face the raid at all. If he turns and does his trauma AOE it will really hurt.

Keep the mob moving and stay behind him. There are no adds during this fight.

Good Luck

Challenge Version

This fight is not that different from the normal version. The biggest change is that there is even less time that the named has to stand still before the fail triggers. It seems that the check is now less than 3 seconds. Be sure that your tank is on the ball with those cures on the root or put a Warden in that group with Nature Walk.

The damage is of course amplified on all of the mobs abilities and anyone squishy who is within 15 meters of the named during any of the AOE's will more than likely die unless they have over 40k hp.

Play this mob safe. He does not have alot of HP. Ranging it down will still kill the mob fairly quickly.

Good Luck.
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Demilitch 01-11-2012, 07:14 PM

Nice write up. That pretty much is line for line what we ended up doing. Thanks for posting it!

hirofortis 01-11-2012, 03:56 PM

A new strat for this guy. Since SOE messed up his pathing he no longer runs in a circle very well. To combat this we came up with a new way to tank him. This also helps keep those who are not quite as well geared from getting squished. SOE changed the timer so his stand still aoe does not go off near as fast. With this in mind having a warden in the tank group specced for nature walk makes it so you do not have to worry about the root. Second you dfo not need to go in a circle anymore. If you clear the mobs up where he is standing you can run him back and forth inbetween the two beds there. have the raid in the middle and a littel bit back and the squishys behind them. This forms a T shape where you are running back and forth at the top of the T and the raid is on the tail of the T. He goes down super easy at this point. Enjoy your HM cloaks.

Demilitch 01-10-2012, 05:32 PM

Quote Originally Posted by daw4888 View Post
Tell your healers to get better. It still works, and every once in a while you might get hit with a hard ae, but nothing a healer cant handle.
Thank you, but our healers are doing fine. I was just curious how others are fairing against this in HM with the new pathing. Due to the holidays, we have not been back in here for HM, but we are going back now and i was just wondering how this is working out.

daw4888 01-10-2012, 02:42 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Demilitch View Post
Have you used that on hard mode yet? With the new pathing, it is extremely difficult to keep him from getting too close to the raid force. Em doesnt really matter since we burn him down so fast, but HM is a tad different.
Tell your healers to get better. It still works, and every once in a while you might get hit with a hard ae, but nothing a healer cant handle.

Demilitch 01-09-2012, 03:03 PM

Have you used that on hard mode yet? With the new pathing, it is extremely difficult to keep him from getting too close to the raid force. Em doesnt really matter since we burn him down so fast, but HM is a tad different.

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