Vision of Vox
by EQ-Raiders
Ghost Ice Dragon
The Vision of Vox is a pain only due to her adds and an elemental AOE DOT.

Have the entire group stand at the opening of her chamber. The MT will step foward, get aggro then take Vox to maxrange left.

Vox should be positioned so the group has a side view of her. This cuts down on the tail lash and any frontal cone damage (that most dragons seem to have).

When a set of adds pop it's crucial that all damage on Vox is stopped and adds are taken down via MA assistance. The adds should be moved from Vox to the group. Once all adds are taken down continue with Vox.

Cure elemental AOE DOT asap. It's called "Cold Chill of Death" and is cast about every 60 seconds. This DOT hits for 800-2500 (depending on resistance)every 6-8 seconds.

Lastly, The Vision of Vox can be burned down very fast. On the first pull it was going so fast we ignored the adds completly. We got her to 20% but by then we were in a very bad spot.

Even tho it looks like an easy fight at first, its how you handle that adds that'll determine success. Without them Vox is cake.
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The Vision of Vox
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