Prime-Curator Undr + Challenge Mode
by EQ-Raiders
This named does not hit very hard. He has as 1 elemental ae that is 180 Front/rear, 9 - 15 - 200 meter range. Two adds are attached to the named on pull.

Adds will spawn at 75% - 50% - 35%.

First add is a Coldain no dmg aoe, but a small frontal knockback.

Second add is a Wurm, that has incurable elemental aoes.

Third mob is a Giant, (weakened version of bitelimb from kraytocs) has 2 Trauma AEs. Crushing boot is a massive knockup/back (as in all the way to the ceiling, also seems to put feather fall on you so you have to float down, no space bar does not work to fall fast, does large damage on hit and massive damage on ticks if it crits, seems to tick every second. Second AE is Hammerarc Front/rear not sure on ranges, but hits hard.

This fight as a 11 minute timer before a 4th add will pop. The 4th add is a large elephant that will wipe your raid.

Challenge Mode

Challenge mode has one difference on pull and that is there are 4 adds attached to the main named on pull. Also, these adds will start casting a stun on the raid if they are left up for too long. Burn these adds as fast as possible.

The main named doesn't do anything really different from normal mode other than the typical enhanced damage.

The differences in this encounter revolve around the adds that spawn. The adds are much more powerful than their normal mode counterparts. All of the adds that spawn are now x4 epic adds as well.

The first coldain add does do more flurry damage so your melee dps needs to watch out if they don't have a decent healers in their groups.

The wurm add's fire breath is still incurable and must be healed through. You will need to make sure your healers have good grp heals going off as this fire breath ticks very fast.

The third add is basically an exact copy of Bitelimb from Kraytoc's Fortress with less health. The aoe's he casts are the same and they are very powerful if the confidence debuff is not used on him by scouts AND FIGHTERS.
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EQ-Raiders 04-08-2012, 04:36 PM

Updated information on Challenge Mode and fixed the post overall.

daw4888 01-09-2012, 03:04 PM

Anyone have the GC trigger for the Curse on HM?

Feyero 12-10-2011, 04:18 AM

On HM there is some sort of time limit to kill him. If not killed fast enough he spawns a lvl 100 epic elephant that wipes the raid. He emotes right before he spawns it and says something like "This has gone on long enough...."

I think the time limit is 10 mins.

GreenmistEQ 11-07-2011, 04:52 PM

HM: Pull Undr and his four guards. Split them off with an off-tank or two and kill them quickly. DPS Undr to 75%, at which point the Coldain add will spawn on Undr. Kill it, then back to Undr unti 50%. The second add, the wurm, has a fairly mean set of AEs, including a tail swipe, so best to turn it into the wall and DPS it quickly. Back to Undr after, until the final add at 35%. This last add is the majority of the challenge, as it will require both a scout and fighter debuff. However, the debuff isn't on the mob right away, so you have to watch for it and hit it when it shows. This add will need to be pulled away from Undr and killed very quickly as it does Hammer Arc and a nasty knock-up AE. Once the add is dead, if you're still in control of Undr, it's easy to finish out from there.

The AEs throughout the fight are, of course, more powerful than their EM counterparts and include knockbacks. This mob as well as the Prime Cornicen seem most prone to duplicating their AEs, so beware of that as well until the issue is resolved. You will definitely notice a difference from pull to pull if this happens to you.

All in all, not terribly different from the EM version, apart from the archetype-specific debuffs required on the named and the third add.

Joakeafoiss 11-06-2011, 06:48 PM

any info for this HM fight?

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