Proto-Exarch Finnrdag + Challenge Mode
by EQ-Raiders
First thing to note about this name is the NPC at the back left corner of the room when you enter; second thing to note is namer does not have a knock back as this might change positioning of MT and raid.

Pull the name and begin to burn to 90% at which point the unattackable NPC will become active and a tank must be ready to attack it as it will not engage you. If this add is not attacked immediately and killed it will spawn a level 100 x4; this add does not have many hit points and will die quickly. This add has a knock back AoE cast when engaged.

Once the add dies about 30 seconds later the name will emote a red message and this means joust and get out of line of sight. Like the first name in Emperor's Athenaeum in JW you must get behind something so you don't die. Getting a good position for jousting out and also not getting frontals on your raid when the AoE hits will be key to winning this fight.

Challenge Mode

Instead of one add spawn there will be 3 adds that spawn in different locations at the beginning of this fight. The first will spawn when Finnrdag reaches 95% and spawns in the same place as in EM. The second pops when Finn reaches 90% in the opposite corner of the first. The third spawns at 80% in the circular room where previous name was. Each one must die in about 25 seconds before a x4 100 is spawned.

Until the third add is killed Finnrdag is easy only casting his Frost Storm AoE. After the third add has died he will become stronger with another AoE, two red messages and a curse.

The curse will hit one member of the raid about every 30 seconds and needs to be cured right away. If the curse expires or the person dies it will spread to anyone within 10 meters. It also has a root component so if you get the curse during the hide make sure that a healer is curing it even if it means that healer dies.

Frost Storm can be blocked with AoE prevent. Inferno of Zek can't be blocked so joust it.

Hard mode also has two different red messages. One is the same as easy mode and everyone must hide out of line of sight in order not to die. The other one is similar to the red message on Statue where you need joust it. It does massive damage along with a huge knockback, has about a 15 meter range and the mob stays rooted.

Our tanks don't joust the one red message and just use a death prevent so they use the lift to hide under for the knock back. The support beam on the lift can be used to hide the tanks on the hide red message. The rest of the raid uses the big grey pillar as their hide and joust points.
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Sanction 04-03-2012, 05:02 PM

With different times between each red message and AoE there is no way to avoid this problem for sure but I have run into this problem before. When you get to the point of killing the third add stop all dps at 83-82% and make sure you have an accurate timer on the Frost Storm AoE. When this timer gets to about 10-7 seconds before Frost hitting, hard burn on Finnrdag to pop the last add and kill it. This should make it so Finnrdag get his buff and second AoE timer just after Frost has hit.

This helped our raid with the early part of the fight to get into a rythem knowing when each AoE and red message would happen. We would still have overlapping AoEs but it would happen much later in the fight and people knew when they were coming because we did the same thing each time. Just make sure you have good timers on the AoEs and red messages so raiders can use prevents and blockers when appropriate.

terlizzi999 04-03-2012, 03:44 PM

Tried killing this other night and raid got annilated with the 3 ae's hitting withing 2 secs one after other including red text....anyone run into this

Sanction 03-29-2012, 06:05 PM

Challenge Mode strat updated.

Patrick 12-12-2011, 08:00 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Geekyone View Post
Challenge Mode:

After the 3 NPC's are dead, get ready to do quick curse cures
Thank you ^^

Where does that curse come from? Just curious, everything else is fine but I wont be able to get a screenshot of the curse till Wednesday.

Geekyone 12-12-2011, 05:33 PM

Challenge Mode:

MT group stands in room the circular room with the elevator. Pet pull the namer.

Other three groups need to kill the 3 NPC's Finnrdag calls forth during the beginning of the fight.

1st NPC is in the same spot as easy mode. 2nd NPC is in the opposite corner of that room. 3rd NPC is standing where hte MT should hold the Named.

After the 3 NPC's are dead, get ready to do quick curse cures, 3 detriment cures and 2 red letter jousts. One of the red letter jousts is get 30 meters away. The other red letter joust is get out of LOS. Lather, rinse, repeat and you win.

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