Statue of Rallos Zek
by EQ-Raiders
The statue of Rallos Zek can be quite intimidating at first but the normal mode version of this fight is quite simple really.

The statue has an emote every 45 seconds or so and you will see a cloud of smoke appear on the ground. You will need to have everyone joust out for this aoe or anyone with in 20 meters of the Statue will die.

Statue does have a curse that you must ignore. If you cure it you will cause the cursed person to become charmed for 2 minutes. Do not cure any curses this fight.

The statue will summon a warboar every 45 seconds or so that needs to be picked up immediately by your OT and burned down. The longer you wait to grab that war boar the more likely you are to be target locked. When target locked you can't target anything so if the MT group gets it you better burn that war boar very quickly so they can target people again.

Statue has some hard hitting AOE's if you are in close to him. If you stay ranged on Statue your damage from those AOE's should be fairly moderate with decent healers. The two larger aoe's are Noxious and Trauma based.

Scouts will want to cycle their x2 debuffs on the statue to keep his damage output down.

Now, the goal of the fight is to progressively move the statue to the water fountain so that he is near the fountain at 30%. At 30%-ish he will stomp the ground and summon a small tornado-looking add. The Statue will regen back to nearly full life during this time but don't let it worry you too much. The add will spawn between the water fountain he is near and the main walkway in this massive room. The add is perma-rooted as well.

When you burn down this first tornado you will need to then move Statue to the opposite fountain where another of these tornado adds will spawn right away the second Statue gets close enough. When you kill this add the Statue will die no matter what his health was at.

The biggest thing for this fight is moving the Statue properly so that he is near the fountain at 30%. The more you move and the more mistakes made by moving will hurt your raid. The statue is NOT easy to move because of his size.

Deal with curing the AOE's and grabbing adds right away while making sure he is near the water fountain at 30%. You will need to keep him there until he emotes and spawns the small add to kill.

Remember, do not freak out if he heals because it does not matter. The second he gets near the 2nd fountain and spawns that fountain add he will die when you kill it. Just make sure that you are not ignoring the war boars while you are moving the Statue and that your MT and the rest of the raid are paying attention to the jousts.

Good Luck.
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hathahrk 07-23-2013, 11:50 AM

thanks for the tips, we tried the brawlers FD before but we didn't think of Sever hate, but it make sense of course .

is there any other thing to know for the challenge ?

someone told me that the Class Debuff change during the fight but so far we did not saw it .

Saphirewind 02-28-2012, 12:40 AM

Just wanted to add a quick trick I heard for this mob, though unfortunately I have been unable to test it personally since we haven't killed him since I heard about it (about 99% of our raid has EM BP or better). If you are having a brawler tank the named, when the red text comes up, have the brawler FD, and then a chanter use Sever Hate (with full Respite upgrade for AE blocker) on them, then as soon as the statue starts moving the MT stands up and uses a snap to regain aggro on the Statue. This way you can tank the mob in one spot and not have to worry about the red text AE on your MT and the only time you have to move the Statue is to go to the second pool. As I said, I haven't been able to test this personally, but if it works, it would make this fight a lot easier than most of the descriptions I have read or seen.

Kaladorn 12-05-2011, 11:53 AM

Anyone doing the Statue with the MT tanking the statue at the first fountain without moving?
If so, how does your MT deal with the red message approx. each 50sec ?

Ok, I found the required information in an earlier post. Therefore please disregard this one.


Demilitch 12-02-2011, 03:23 PM

Actually, I think everyone is making this fight out to be a lot harder than it needs to be. I start out tanking him right in front of his spawn spot. Bottom of the stairs right in front of him. MT group just far enough behind me to heal and range and not get ripped apart by traumatic swipe. My dirge and Swashy alternate their debuffs. The other 3 raid groups are about mid way down the ramp ranging with the OT grabbing and killing the warboars. They are never too far away from the MT group in case a boar spawns on us.

Red text, move half way down the ramp, everyone moves down in the same way. MT group is now in the middle of the ramp, rest of the raid is at the bottom. Keep moving just like this on every red text to get him over to the fountain of your choice.

At that point its a bounc back and forth in front of the fountain with the raid back on the gold line ranging and killing boars. Once he hits 30%, kill the whirlwind, and on every red text, move him strait across with the raid right behind you. Rinse repeat. We've killed up over 40 times using this and even done it with 2.5 groups. Takes longer, but it still works.

AdullifeEQ2 11-26-2011, 09:26 PM

Alright so this is what I came up with, that our guilds going to try will update if it works :P

start with the raid on the left side of the path that leads up to the statue spawn point. We have our MT lined up so that he is on the edge of the path,
and if he looks to his left, he is lined up with the front edge of the fountain. The MT healers the back up Tank(OT) away from MT until they arrive at max heal range and
wait there. The remainder of the raid lines up 5 or so meters behind the MT group.

We send a pet class to pull statue. Optionally, you can use CoV / CoH to move this along more smoothly.
Pet class moves close enough to statue to send pet, cast CoH, send pet, accept CoH. Poof. Pull with no risk.
Slightly more difficult is to have the pet class use sprint to get away. It works, but sometimes it can be close.

The statue will summon a warboar every 45 seconds or so that needs to be picked up immediately by your OT and burned down. The longer you wait to grab that war boar the more
likely you are to be target locked. When target locked you can't target anything so if the MT group gets it you better burn that war boar very quickly so they can target people

MT simply waits for statue to arrive. Statue will stop one time to cast his red AE. BE PATIENT. Right as statue arrives at raid, first boar will spawn.
Kill boar, then begin working on statue FROM RANGE.

When the second red AE message comes up, MT moves directly to the near / front side of the fountain, remainder of raid moves to the far / rear side of the fountain.
Do NOT let statue get between the raid and the tank. The key here is to simply keep the statue as far away as possible.
Will take a few tries for the MT to get the hang of it.

When the third red AE comes up, MT moves to where the raid is currently located at the rear side of the fountain. Raid moves AWAY from the fountain, toward the path again.
MT will need to force the statue to go "too far" - basically past the fountain and then flip it around.

At this point, you have the statue in good position. The MT simply moves from one side of the fountain to the other as the red AE messages pop up.
He generally has to go "too far" and flip the mob around each time, but it's not that hard once you get the hang of it. The raid simply mirrors the MT.

Once you get the statue to 30% and kill the Tornado, you're set to move all the way across to the other side. It's the same sort of deal there.

Raid will run to one side of the fountain stairs, MT moves to the other. Cure on the run, and do so quickly. Once you arrive there, you do the same thing you did before.
First red AE, MT moves to the raid, raid moves back toward the path.(At this point the statues health does not matter) This puts the raid right on top the tornado when it spawns. Kill tornado, loot chest.

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