Hragdold the Frenzied + Challenge Mode
by Sanction
On the pull Hragdold will cast Clawstorm almost instantly and every 10 seconds until adds pop. This AoE drains about 15% power every three seconds. It also does a fair amount of physical damage so healers must be able to cure it.

Roughly 1 minute into the fight four adds will spawn; one of each arch type with the following names: an ironclaw commander, an ironclaw priest, an ironclaw scout & an ironclaw sorcerer. You will want to burn down the priest first because if it lands a heal at any point it will be for a significant amount of health. After the priest is dead it didn't seem to matter what order the rest go down.

When the adds spawn Hragdold will stop casting Clawstorm for about a minute, this is a needed break for your chanters to get full power back to the group. He will however start to cast Rage Tempest, this does not do too much damage if your healers are on top of curing.

If the duration of the fight reaches 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes and so on before Hragdold reaches 35% it will spawn another set of adds each time.

Around 35% Hragdold will gain two new abilities, Dreadslam and Deathswipe. Dreadslam is your basic trauma AoE and does moderate damage. Deathswipe is a frontal cone deathtouch that hits every 25 seconds. Your tanks will need death interventions and be ready to take a death. Your tanks must be careful because even if they do not have agro but are standing in front of the named they could still die from the deathtouch. Burn as quickly as possible and grats on the loot.

Challenge Mode

This fight is basically the same in Challenge Mode with a couple small changes.

Clawstorm will power drain you much worse than the normal version. Be sure your chanters are on the top of their game in power regen.

Instead of 4 adds there will now be 6 that spawn at 1 minute, then 3 minutes, then 5 minutes and so on.

You still want to burn the priest add down asap or he will heal the named 100%. Stuns/Stifles do prevent the priest add from casting the heal.

After the priest you will want to kill the sorcerers, there will be two of them, as they cast a spell that one shots people. Each Sorcerer will kill 2 random people in your raid every 30 seconds or so. (Just like the adds from Kolskegger in Throneroom) Bring the heavy dps!

Then there are two scouts to burn down followed by the commander. Leave the Commander for last because as long as the commander is up the named has a small debuff placed on him. Do not race to burn the Commander first off.

When the adds first pop Clawstorm will halt temporarily and allow you to regen your power back.

These adds stop spawning at 45% in Challenge Mode in which the named then starts his deathtouch rotations.

You have 11 minutes and 30 seconds to kill this encounter before the named becomes enraged and starts blowing up your raid. That is your target kill time.

Good Luck.
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Sigrdrifa01 09-13-2012, 07:53 PM

From our experience with Hragdold in HM, the most important thing is to BURN HARD. The faster you get Hragdold down to 45%, the fewer adds you must kill.

I have a targeting macro set up for the adds:

/target an ironclaw commander
/target an ironclaw scout
/target an ironclaw sorcerer
/target an ironclaw priest
The macro falls through to the priest first. The ironclaw priest must die first, because he heals Hragdold.

The ironclaw sorcerors are doing Deathstrike for ~88K damage each hit, and they are casting that half of the time while they are up. We take them out after the priest.

The ironclaw scouts come third, because they're casting Enthralling Flames about a third of the time. This is an elemental that does a minor amount of damage, but it ALSO does an AOE stun.

The ironclaw commander goes down last, because for the most part he's just doing 12K-25K slashing damage.

Sanction 09-11-2012, 06:54 PM

If you are speaking of stun/stifle for the priest add then everyone should be worried about stunning it not just your illys/chanters. Also when the adds are up Clawstorm is no longer casting so as long as your chanters time the power regen correctly your groups should be mostly full when the adds pop.

Also AoE blockers are extremely helpful for the clawstorm. Have druids or bards cast their blocker when the second clawstorm is casting and it will block all of them except the last two. Once the last two hit the adds spawn. Druids shell will be up for each round of clawstorm which makes it quite easy to call when the adds are spawning which is what I did for my raid.

Achasdaug 09-11-2012, 02:40 PM

K So i know its been awhile since anyone asked a question on this mob, however Trying to sort out possibly taking it down for the first time. Now As far as a setup we run 2 coercers 2illys, for chants in our force, i was wondering do you think its best make the illy do the stuns/stifles/mez's then let the coercers handle the mana regen?

EQ-Raiders 03-20-2012, 12:10 PM

Strategy Updated/Clarified

Sude 02-07-2012, 10:05 PM

In both EM and HM, the priest is heroic. This means he can be stun locked by a talented Enchanter, thus not getting his heal off. Something you might want to consider.

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