Aaranae Acrimae + Challenge Mode
by Sanction
The named for this fight is pretty easy and straight forward, however the add made the encounter pretty stressful for our raid.

Pull the named and tank it where you choose. She has the one AoE, Force of Web that your raid will want to joust out for and make sure your tank is protected for it. The first time it hits will be 5 seconds into the pull. The second time will be 70 seconds later, 3rd time 65 seconds, 4th time 60 seconds and so forth. If the fight goes longer than 7 minutes it will most likely be a wipe.

The name also has a short term detrimental that is cast on her current target that will prevent auto attacks and the casting of any CAs or spells. You will want to have two tanks fighting for aggro on the name for when this goes off.

Now the add is a little tricky and it may even be bugged at the moment but not entirely sure. On most fights that we did the add would spawn every 45 seconds. 15 seconds after spawning it would cast Multistrike, an uncurable trauma dot. And then 15 seconds later it would cast Touch of the Web on current target and it never seemed to be warded at all. The add has 25 million HP so you need over 800k dps to kill it in 30 seconds.

Now the weird thing with the adds is the spawn time and the multistrike AoE. The way Multistrike reads in the effects window is that it is a rear 180 degree AoE, however standing in front of the add (15 meters away) would still do a great amount of damage.

As I mentioned above the adds normally spawned every 45 seconds. However on one pull they spawned every 30 seconds which quickly became a wipe as we didn't have enough dps to kill them and the name. On several other pulls the adds spawned in greater intravals ranging from a minute to 90 seconds, even seeing one spawn and depop a second later.

On our kill pull we did not get our first add until 90 seconds into the fight. We got our second add 45 seconds after the first but then no third one before the named died 94 seconds after the second add had spawned. So any additional info about the adds and how often they spawn or if there is a bug would be great.

Challenge Mode

For challenge mode, force of web no longer gets on a shorter recast but instead stays at a ~45 sec recast for the entire fight.

Addition is a lot of new curses cast frequently that cause a random target to be disabled for ~10 secs or so.

The DPS check on challenge mode comes in the form of the adds that spawn semi-frequently and come in 3 types:

  • Maulers and Soothers - have to be killed quickly or they multistrike which if not blocked/death-prevented will kill pretty much the entire raid.

  • Devourers - have to be kited as they will root/disable the tank if not moved (OT handles them like mikill from Tormax raid zone).
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Sanction 08-15-2012, 01:52 AM

Multistrike is a 360 AoE and is basically the dps check on the adds if you don't burn them down quick enough. It can be blocked by AoE blockers and you will see it cast so if people are quick enough it might not do too much dmg to your raid.

The wording is still wrong for this AoE saying it is rear but it is the case with other encounters in drunder that have this effect on adds such as Grindstone or Klaatuus.

Anyone know if the adds on EM were fixed and put on a consistant spawn?

Yunay 08-13-2012, 09:00 PM

Now the weird thing with the adds is the spawn time and the multistrike AoE. The way Multistrike reads in the effects window is that it is a rear 180 degree AoE, however standing in front of the add (15 meters away) would still do a great amount of damage.
Do the mobs definetly have a REAR-AE?

Boduar 02-01-2012, 06:37 AM

For challenge mode force of web no longer gets on a shorter recast but instead stays at a ~45 sec recast for the entire fight. Addition is a lot of new curses cast frequently that cause a random target to be disabled for ~10 secs or so. The DPS check on challenge mode comes in the form of the adds that spawn semi-frequently and come in 3 types. Maulers/soothers have to be killed quickly or they multistrike which if not blocked/death-prevented will kill pretty much the entire raid. Devourers have to be kited as they will root/disable the tank if not moved (OT handles them like mikill).

Rather straightforward fight.

Chaiyun 11-15-2011, 10:53 PM

Did this mob the other night, seems like Force of the Web is either a frontal or cone. It didn't hit the raid force for much with nobody jousting except on the 4th tick when the tank was stunned and it was facing the raid, which hit on the average for 45k.

Paralyzing Venom is the curse that stuns the tank and is cureable. It was on a 60 second recast.

Not too difficult of a fight though.

Sanction 11-02-2011, 12:00 AM

Nothing ground breaking from what is here. I think the adds have less HP and probably don't hit as hard.

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