Sullon Zek + Challenge Mode
by Tomatoh
Sullon Zek is a very straight forward encounter. For the most part the fight is based on several timers which control the adds that pop and a weapon rack that you need to destroy.

You will need big heals and big dps to drop this encounter.

This encounter begins the second anyone in your raid hails Sullon Zek. So be sure you are in position when before clicking on her.

You may want to pull Sullon off to a corner to either side of the Gong. You will need your raid pretty much on this platform in order to kill the large NPC that will spawn and immediately start banging the gong.

This NPC needs to die extremely fast because the more bangs he gets in the the more powerful the AOE's from Sullon will be. If the gong guy is up for more than 40 seconds Sullon will gain an instant death touch on whoever she targets. This NPC is always your number one priority to kill. The gong guy does have a small knockback if you are too close to him so be sure your melee dps gets under the gong if you intend on getting melee damage in there to burn him harder.

Roughly 15 seconds after the Gong guy spawns you will have an epic Dhuljam add that will spawn. This add does almost no damage to your raid and has no aoe's to watch out for. You need to kill this add however because he drops a clicky item that you will need to use later in the fight for a weapon rack the spawns on your raid.

60 seconds after the encounter begins a raging beholder will spawn and will immediately start casting a very high magic damage aoe calling pummeling force. Your raid will want to use AOE prevent for this first cycle of aoes. The beholder add will also drop a clicky item called a pummeling crystal. You will use this crystal on future beholder adds to lessen the damage of the magic AOE. Dedicate one person who can reliably use the crystal on the next spawns of the beholder add the second the beholder spawns. One Pummeling crystal has 12 charges on a 90 second recast timer and will probably last you for an entire encounter. The respawn of the beholder is exactly 2 minutes on the dot. You will need to have your OT grab aggro of this add immediately because the frontal dmg of the magic aoe is still enough to one shot your more squishy members of your raid. Get the aggro and pull the beholder away from the raid and burn it down.

If your dps is good enough the beholder will be almost dead and the gong add will respawn and the cycle of adds will begin again. Just remember that the Beholder will skip every other gong guy and dhuljam spawn. It is exactly a 2 minute respawn.

The next part of this fight is the weapon racks spawning on your raid. For every Dhuljam add you kill he will drop a clicky item that you will use on these weapon racks. If you take more than 10 seconds or so to destroy this weapon rack, Sullon will pull a weapon from the rack and begin wiping your raid. The recast on the weapon rack clicky item will require that atleast 3 or 4 people are collecting the clicky items from the Dhuljam add are killed. So be sure you have selected your weapon rack destroyer people and they understand what order they will be going in. One clicky item can be used upto 5 times before that player needs to loot another one.

This fight is all about managing adds and making sure that you are killing adds properly and quickly enough using the various clicky items that drop during the encounter.

Sullon only has the one heavier hitting aoe in Rageslam. Make sure your healers are on top of curing these aoe's the second they land.

Reliable targeting and killing of adds will ensure a successful pull and kill of Sullon. If Sullon begins spiking damage on your main tank it is because adds are not dying fast enough. You will want to make sure that your raid (more importantly your tanks) have atleast 210% crit mit and a high amount of magic resistance for this enounter. (35k+ magic resistance)

Good luck on Sullon.

Challenge Mode

For Sullon hard mode read the above strat and then add the following addition.

There is only one difference in the HM encounter for Sullon which is the addition of 'a temporal reflecting mirror'. The mirror can spawn on anyone in the raid and you have 20 seconds to kill it before bad stuff happens. The first one will spawn about 10 seconds after the second gong dude (about a minute and 45 seconds into the fight) and then every 2 minutes there after.

When the mirror first spawns Sullon will mem wipe. If the mirror is not killed in 20 seconds Sullon will mem wipe again but this time you will get a message saying that Sullon has looked at herself and is now enraged (I'm guessing it's her height that she doesn't like) and is super charged to one shot everyone.

So add priority will be mirror > gong > beholder > rageborune
or as our raid does it mirror > beholder > gong > rageborune

The AoEs and the items you need to use stay the same.
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EQ-Raiders 07-30-2012, 07:33 AM

Use the pummeling crystal on the beholder about 10-15 seconds or so after it spawns to lengthen the reuse time and the damage of its AOE. AOE blocking it is not the best strategy because you might need a blocker for something more important later especially if you get a bad spawn of either the mirror or the gong and you get backed up on adds.

Of course you might get lucky each time, but as a guideline its best to work through a strat as intended unless its incredibly scripted enough to always skip a step Like Dagarn in Underdepths.

Sanction 07-30-2012, 05:41 AM

Quote Originally Posted by eq2googoomerry123 View Post
About Pummeling Crystal, I could use it on my friend and DDed him with a small damage,
which implies you can use Pummeling Crystal only on Friend and not on Enemy.
No you definitely use the crystal on the beholder, 100% sure that using it will decrease the damage of it's AoE.

eq2googoomerry123 07-30-2012, 01:20 AM

It was Sullon's ability "Broken Spirit" or something like that which disabled our tanks with a recast timer of 41-60 seconds.
Sullon says "Your spirit is broken" or whatever, so you can time it.

About Pummeling Crystal, I could use it on my friend and DDed him with a small damage,
which implies you can use Pummeling Crystal only on Friend and not on Enemy.

Also Rageforce has root effect which might irritate you.

eq2googoomerry123 07-18-2012, 01:15 AM

It was Rageslam, not Beholder's AoE which stifled us.
Also I am wondering what made our tanks stunned(Rageforce?).

We dont use pummeling Crystals at all, not sure if that crystal's effect can be applied on an Enemy.
We just make AoE immunity up when a beholder pops.

EQ-Raiders 07-05-2012, 12:08 AM

You shouldnt even be affected by that aoe if you are using the pummeling crystal and have enough dps. I can't remember for sure but either the crystal resets the cast timer on that aoe from the beholder or it removes the stun component.

Either way I used to do the crystal back then and I would wait 15-20 seconds until after it spawned and then hit the crystal. Never had issues.

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