Tyrax Terrolus
by Sanction
You will need a lot of dps and a lot of heals for this fight.

Four banners will spawn around the room during this fight, each one related to an arch-type. The banners spawn in the same place each time and in the same order. The order will be fighter, mage, scout, priest. Killing these banners will make it so the specific arch-type is able to DPS on the named.

The fighter banner will spawn in the corner to the right upon entering the room. The mage banner will spawn just a little further away between the corner and the stairs. The scout one will spawn in the corner opposite the door. Priest one will spawn along the wall to the left upon entering the room.

When pulling Tyrax the fighter banner will spawn in about 3 seconds. The tanks will not be able to use anything on the named until the banner is down so no one should be casting on the namer. There is roughly 30 seconds to burn down a banner, if it is not killed in time it will despawn and that specific arch-type will not be able to hit the named for about 3 minutes until the banner pops again. Each banner has about 40 million hit points. 45 seconds after the fighter banner pops the mage one will pop, followed by scout and then priest.

The name of the banners are as followed:
Banner of Martial Warding - Fighter
Banner of Arcane Warding - Mage
Banner of Stealthy Warding - Scout
Banner of Divine warding - Priest
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EQ-Raiders 08-20-2012, 06:13 AM

You dont always get a yellow screen for the heal component. Gotta watch the detriment bar like a hawk.

Sanction 08-17-2012, 07:40 PM

You can use the damage line from the curse to show which one to cure. I believe Scent of Defeat has a damage dot when it is put on the person.

Malice 08-16-2012, 08:19 AM

Changes to Challenge mode - can someone confirm:

2 Curses - Tyrax's Edict ( Cure this one and it charms someone )
Scent of deafeat ( Dont cure this one and the raid explodes ) - be nice to have some text for this curse for CM as i cant see anything in the logs and so far my guildies cant find anything either.

Note that both of those curse names shows up in the logs as dmg attacks from tyrax also, so putting one or the other into guild connect is useless as it just spams the text. Found it best so far, to just wear the curses and heal through while doing the banners... bring 3 healers to MT grp you will need it!!

As stated above, the yellow screen means u heal the mob - the yellow screen dont stay up for 10seconds, but the buff does so once u get it - back off the banners for 10 seconds.

Anyone got the narrative text for the curses, so as to establish which to cure and which to leave??

Sanction 08-15-2012, 01:53 AM

Nope no adds besides the banners.

Demilitch 08-13-2012, 06:58 PM

Its been a while, but I could have sworn there were a bunch of adds on this encounter as well in HM.

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