Lichlord Skulldugger + Challenge Version
by Sanction
To start the fight have someone get close to the Lichlord and he will start a small dialog.

Maalus Reborn will then pop on someone in the raid. Yes you are reading it right, Maalus is back. There will be a number of curses but only 'Greater Curse of Devastation' needs to be cured. A x2 add will also spawn about every minute. There will however be no port like there was in the original fight.

After Maalus is dead Gozak will spawn. You have roughly 3 minutes to kill him before he gets a buff that will start to one shot people. Also about 1 minute and 30 seconds into fighting him he will get a lesser buff that does a sizable amount of dmg but can be healed through. Cure all dots and make sure to cure the curse.

Now the Lichlord will come. First thing is to get the scout confidence debuff in and make sure it is always in because he can dispell it from time to time. Cloud of Skulldugger is a high noxious damage AoE that scout will want to joust. Cloud also stifles everyone it hits so priests need to prepare for it.

Noxious Timebomb is an incurable noxious effect cast on one person roughly every 35 seconds (times may vary). (Also don’t get the ‘Deathtouch’ incurable noxious confused with the Timebomb; it seems to hit about every 60 – 90 seconds.) The person with Noxious Timebomb will want to move at least 15 meters away from the rest of the raid then cancel this detrimental by right clicking on it in the Detrimental Spell Effects window and selecting ‘Cancel’. If the effect is canceled or expires while the person is in the middle of the raid everyone will be hit with Shockwave which dazes target and has a health and power drain dot. Shockwave will last for 12 seconds and mostly like spell doom for your raid.

Challenge Mode

Maalus Reborn will spawn once the Lichlord is engaged. Cure the Curse of Greater Devastation and kill the x2 add that spawns. Next will be Gozak and like easy mode you have limited time to kill him before he gets buffed. Make sure to cure the curse or people get ported to the front of the zone. Gozak has a couple AoEs; his aoe that puts a different effect on everyone does moderate damage and his physical aoe, Ripping Voidclaws does very high damage that people will want to joust, I believe Cloud is on a 40 second timer.

Once Gozak is dead you will not see Maalus or Gozak again if you wipe to Byzola or Lichlord.

Next to kill is Byzola, who will unfortunately not have any class adds this time . There are a few things to note for this fight. First off there are two curses and neither of them needs to be cured. First curse is called Scornful Gaze and it does not have a long duration, about 8 seconds. Someone with this curse on them will be knocked back and take disease damage every time they use power. Scornful Gaze will hit two people in the raid about once a minute. A player should have no problem living if they trigger this once but twice will likely be death so if you get knocked back just stop casting. The other curse is called The Reviled and will target one person in the raid about every 30 seconds. When someone gets this curse they need to move away from the raid at least 15 meters. When the curse expires or is cured it will knock the player back and does a power drain. The reason the player must move away is because if it expires naturally or is cured around the raid force it will knock back and power drain the entire raid.

Byzola has three effects to note:
Byzola’s Ancient Scorn – high focus damage dot AoE; 40 second recast
Mists of Discord – moderate mental damage dot AoE; 50 second recast
Loathsome Strike – low mental damage and fear single target; chance to proc every time damage is dealt to Byzola

Byzola will also spawn adds periodically called ‘Vile Warrior’; either a group of 3 x2 epics or a single x4 epic. Just OT these and burn quickly.

And finally onto fighting the Lichlord. There are two AoEs and one curse during this fight. Cloud of Skullduggery is high disease damage on a 30 second timer and Powertap is a moderate power drain dot on a 40 second timer. The curse is called Deathtouch and needs to be cured or your tank will die; this is on a 50 second timer. There will also still be the Noxious Timebomb incurable that must be canceled away from the raid. Remember to tell your raid to use potion cures when they are jousting for Timebomb and Cloud hits or they will die.

When Byzola is killed he will drop a treasure chest with six ‘Crystallized Shard of Hate’, usable only by priests and mages, in it that needs to be used on the Lichlord to dispel the tank immunity. At least three people need to use the shard at the right time or the immunity will not dispel. Lichlord will say “Your fighter taunts will hinder me no more!” and this is when you will want the shards used. If your raid is having trouble with the tank immunity and using the shards you can start over at Byzola and get an additional 6 shards.
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eq2googoomerry123 07-09-2012, 05:33 PM

it seemd to me that Cloud of Skullduggery stifled us.

Sanction 03-05-2012, 06:57 PM

Updated EM: the health/power drain has been nerfed and shouldn't kill enchanters for using mana flow.

EDIT: Challenge encounter updated.

Demilitch 12-02-2011, 03:26 PM

Everything was smooth until we got the the lich... do not like.

Target is immune!
Cannot change Target!
.... hate that.

Quijana 11-26-2011, 07:36 AM

Loot that dropped for us besides the usual Master and War Rune:
Scrying Orb of the Lich Lord- Priest secondary ranged item
Dirk of the Fallen Hero- 4.0 second scout dagger

raveneye 09-17-2011, 08:59 PM

Pay attention to the scout X2 debuff - he tends to drop it from time to time. This does NOT come at the same time when he strips all normal debuffs.

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