Gindan Commander Angler + Challenge Mode
by Sanction
This is just a DPS fight.

When the named is pulled a single add will spawn with the name 'a gindan lieutenant'. This add will spawn again once killed so it is better to just have a tank hold it.

Roughly every minute 4 adds will spawn in two groups of two; burn these down as they spawn. Name of these adds is 'a diaku deceptor'. Some of these adds will have a bomb attached to it; when it is close to death a red message will show telling you this add should not be killed near the raid. These adds will also glow blue if they have a bomb. The bomb has about a 15 meter range and does moderate damage but high power drain.

All the adds also have a frontal stun so tanks will need as many immunities as they can get.

Get damage in on the named when you can and make sure to joust the red message. The namer also has a de-target so you'll likely need two tanks on him.

Challenge Mode

When the named is pulled a single add will spawn with the name 'a gindan lieutenant'. This add will spawn again once killed so it is better to just have a tank hold it. The add casts one AoE roughly every 60 seconds called Whirling Doom. He will cast it as soon as he spawns on the raid so have AoE blockers up on pull. He will also mem wipe and then probably AoE in the middle of the raid so this add gets increasingly frustrating. Even more frustrating is this add has a force target that will randomly hit any number of people in the raid about every 30 seconds. The force target lasts for 10 seconds.

Roughly every minute 8 adds will spawn; burn these down as they spawn. Name of these adds is 'a diaku deceptor'. One of these adds will have a bomb attached to it (the slightly bigger one); about 15 seconds after spawning a red message will show telling you the bomb is about to explode. The bomb has about a 15 meter range and does high damage and power drain. Killing this one add quickly can likely mean beating this encounter. If it is killed in time the bomb will only do about 25% of it's otherwise normal effect.

For the actaul name he has the one curable AoE Crushing storm as well as the red message AoE that people should joust unless they are protected. Our tanks would stay in on the red message and just death prevent. In challenge mode there is also the curable curse Combat Maddness. This is cast on Gindan's target about every 50 seconds I believe. I'm not 100% sure on the actaul affects of the curse but it is a detarget/mem wipe and the tank will take increased damage. So it's either a death touch of sorts or a healing recieved reduction so get it cured asap.

The three AoEs and the bomb explosion can all be blocked with AoE blockers.
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Sude 03-14-2012, 04:54 PM

Combat Madness is an effect which causes damage done by the player to be done TO the player instead. In effect, with Combat Madness, you are killing yourself.

This same effect exists on the Generals encounter.

Sanction 03-14-2012, 04:44 PM

Strat updated for Challenge Mode encounter.

opethPA 02-20-2012, 01:46 PM

We killed this last night with 3 tanks and 6 heals with a pretty simple approach really.
1. One tank held that LT .
2. The deaggro\mem-wipe on the named can be timed so the OT was ready for it.
3. If they overlapped then the OT (had me an inq and a mystic heailng) would just get hard heals while he had the named + the 4 adds(bomb dude) on him. With enough DPS those 4 adds die really quick.

We set everyone up on the steps..
The tanks start on the right side of the room then move across to the left side of the room on the named Red Txt.. Then back the other way..side to side..healers for the MT and OT moved with him..

Demilitch 02-17-2012, 04:16 PM

We've made really good progress on this guy, but I would like to know how you keep up with all the target locks. There are times when I am target locked to no target for long periods of time. If that happens to more than one tank, things get ugly. I can see that just burning him down quickly is important. The longer this fight lasts, the more chaotic it gets.

Sude 08-31-2011, 09:06 PM

You mean the one with the skull and crossbones over his head? The one mentioned in the huge red message that flashes across the screen of everyone in the raid? That one?

Here's how we do it.

We use 4 tanks: 1 on the Lieutenant, 1 on the exploding add, 2 on the main named. The adds that spawn tend to run up to the named and so we let the AE from the main named tanks gather and hold the adds to some extent, but honestly, those adds die so fast it doesn't really take a whole lot of tanking.

We tank the named at the bottom of the little ramp leading down from where the named spawns at. Call it the "front" of the room. We put the bulk of our raid in the circle at the center of the room.

On pull, the Lieutenant spawns on the raid and he is picked up by his designated tank, who moves him up the ramp behind the raid. We don't put any effort into the Lieutenant at all besides keeping him tanked. He does seem to mem wipe on occasion, but so long as no one else is damaging him, snaps get him back plenty fast. Do watch out for his target lock which can pull unsuspecting DPS off their intended target and on to the Lieutenant.

We begin DPS'ing the name. On the red AE where everyone has to joust, all the folks up on the named joust at sort of a 45 degree angle toward the door you entered the room through. It's hard to describe exactly, but basically we make sure that the joust doesn't come back toward the raid so the named doesn't AE the raid. The named doesn't stay rooted for long.

When the adds spawn, we let the two tanks on the named fire off a bunch of AE stuff to keep the adds close, then have the third tank find the blow up add. He drags this add out of the furball and to the OPPOSITE side from where the raid jousts the red AE. We the have caster DPS assist him to burn down that add away from everyone to avoid the power drain. As soon as it dies, we have those non-chanter mages with a power feed drop a feed on the tank who just killed the add.

It's really just execution. Joust the red AE properly, tank the Lieutenant, kill the adds. Win.

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