Vallon Zek- Kulaxis Da 'Kraal
by Quijana
Vallon Zek-
You do not fight Vallon Zek. You fight Kulaxis Da 'Kraal who spawns in the middle of the room after you hail Vallon Zek.
Priest Debuff will be needed for Kulaxis.
There are mana drains throughout fight. Mana gear is helpful.
We tanked Kulaxis right in the middle of the room. Vallon never moved from where he started.

During fight at random intervals Idols that look like shields will spawn in SE or SW corners of the room. There is red text. Person with in-combat run speed like a Troubador needs to run over and get rid of it, or raid will get incurable arcanes Tactical Toll and Tactical Suppression. These idols are exactly timed at 52 seconds and can have timers set up in GC or ACT to the text: I invoke a tactical supressor

Tactical Toll: Slows Target by 39%. Target will lose 425% more power when power is consumed. 467% of target's power consumed will also be drained from target's health.

Tactical Supression: Your damage and heals are reduced in magnitude. Decreases Ability Casting Speed of target by 100%. Decreases attack speed of target by 67.3.

A diaku war rider epic x3 spawns every 40 seconds or so in the middle of the room. We killed them.

About 40-50 seconds into fight archer adds spawn on the outskirts of the room called a vallonite ace and vallonite volley commander. Aces just keep building up. Commander tells them who to shoot with Precise Arrow. Can have all of them shoot one person. No point killing the commander. He just respawns a few seconds later. We did pull aces when the diaku war riders were down and killed them to keep them from one shotting people.
DO NOT CURE CURSES. Curses throughout fight. If you get cursed, run to doorway or somewhere far from raid. If you cure the curse while by the raid, you will blow people nearby up. If the curse expires while you are close to the raid, you will blow nearby people up. Curse mana drains the person with it for 55% of power.

There are also stifles and powertaps throughout fight.

Kulaxis has a disease attack called Warlord's Siphon (single target- seemed only to land on the person with aggro) and a magic/melee area of effect attack called Warlord's Fury.

Stifling Decree- Stifle. No spells.

Powertap: Decreases power in targets in Area of Effect by 9% instant and every 4 seconds. Damage from this effect is harder then normal to mitigate.
Keep up with the adds and pay attention to the curses and the fight will be won.
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Demilitch 04-12-2012, 06:57 PM

We dont even kill the archers or the adds. We just burn the named and the adds die through AE. Archers only become a problem if you take too long to kill the named.

hirofortis 03-23-2012, 03:55 AM

Priest Debuff

hirofortis 03-09-2012, 06:08 AM

This fight is very simple. Have 1 group running around killing archers. the other 3 groups stand in the middle and burn fighter adds and named. drops like cake.

Novu 03-03-2012, 06:06 AM

The hard mode has two colored domes. One red and one blue like the Kurns x2 where you have to get under the correct one based on a detriment or it is fail condition.

Sude 01-12-2012, 01:44 PM

I agree. We don't waste any time killing archers / commanders unless they somehow get aggro'ed on someone. Even then we just drag them to the center with the named and just let the AE DPS take them down over time.

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