Eriak the Fetid
by Sanction
Anything you can bring to this fight for fear immunity and power regen will be a huge help.

Set up two points for your tanks to joust to and from for the red message. This is not one that can be death saved as it will continue to hit until the player dies. You will also want a spot for raid members to go when they are hit with Spectral Blast.

Spectral Blast hits one person in your raid every 30 seconds and this person must get away from the raid. If this person dies or Spectral Blast expires/is cancelled around other people those people will be hit with Shockwave and your raid will wipe. This raider must get about 20 meters away from the rest of your raid and cancel the detriment. The tricky part is keeping the person with Spectral Blast alive once it has been cancelled because they will then get a second detrimental on them called Shockpulse which will inflict 53% of total health on target every 2 seconds for 4 seconds; meaning if they don’t get some kind of heal they will die.

There is one add by the name of ‘an echo of terror’ which spawns every 70 seconds. About 10 seconds before this add spawns Eriak will start to record damage dealt to him. Then when the add does spawn the people that have dealt the most damage will be rendered incapable of doing anything hostile to Eriak until the add has died. You have roughly 20 seconds to burn the add down at which point it will begin to cast multiple AoEs that are an annoyance by themselves but when stacked with Eriak can kill a lot of people.

Same as Berik there is a change when Eriak reaches 50%; this change is just making the fight speed up. This means everything will begin to hit and spawn more often (except Phantasmal Terror.) I believe everything will come a second quicker every time it hits but still need confirmation.

Once your raid gets a hang of the fear and the power drains it will just be a matter of having enough dps to kill Eriak quick enough post 50%. Going longer than 4 minutes post 50% tends to get quite hectic.

Good luck.
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Sanction 12-17-2012, 04:37 AM

Actually the immune is based on dps dealt to the mob, sort of Eriak's way to take out the biggest threat. It's not so much asking your dps to keep high dps on the name as it is having your tanks control their own dps so they don't get excluded. I would still recommend two tanks on the name though, with fears, red messages and a beastly AoE one of them is bound to get screwed sooner rather than later.

And thanks for mentioning that, updated the strat.

lixleon 12-17-2012, 03:23 AM

when an echo of terror spawn will random select some ppl immune to hit boss include tank. So maybe need more than one tank to take the boss.

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