Tagrin Maldric
by Sanction
This fight is fairly simple. Set your raid up so people can joust out from Tagrin when the red text comes. We put two tanks on Tagrin to deal with the death touch and mem wipe.

50 seconds into the fight an add with the name 'a spirit assassin' will spawn however only 2 people will be able to see it. Once one of those two people hits the assassin the rest of the raid will be able to attack it. If this add is not hit within a few seconds of spawning it will start to run around attacking people while staying invisible. After the initial spawn this add will spawn every 60 seconds.

Every 60 seconds a random raid member will become charmed. This charm lasts for 20 seconds and can not be cured or removed. You can focus dps on this person and kill them or just wait the 20 seconds for it to expire.

Once Tagrin reaches 50% the fight will change. The assassin name will be changed to 'a spirit slayer'. The other addition is a set of 4 'a shadowy brigand' spawn. Burn these adds down in 45 seconds before they start AoEing. A new set will spawn every 60 seconds.

There is a trigger for who can see the spirit add when it spawns, however I am unsure as to what it is; if you find out make sure to post it here.
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darknemesis 08-02-2013, 09:05 PM

U Dont cure them, u have ta kill them if Tank or Healer quickly
Merged Post
make sure the raid is stayin at 20+m from the name and the tanks joustin same for red text, as for the mana drain we really dont sufer to much runnin 2coer, illy in raid
Merged Post
if their is more then 2sets of adds up at one time it will reset

EQ-Raiders 08-01-2013, 11:26 PM

Havent seen that personally.

bullish 08-01-2013, 01:14 PM

We are having some recent issues with Tagrin resetting mid-fight. Anyone have any idea what might be the cause of that?

Riven 06-13-2013, 09:38 PM

We're having power issues, people with 100% and drops to 0% instantly. Any tips on dealing with that?

EQ-Raiders 06-05-2013, 10:19 PM

nice addition dark.

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