Glokus Windhelm
by Sanction
Glokus himself is rather straight forward with a red message joust that hits every 50 seconds ("Glokus gathers the forces of the wind around him") and an arcane AoE knockback, it has a 30 meter range if you want to avoid it.

The first part of this fight is dealing with additional named adds and music boxes. When Glokus is pulled two adds will spawn; Marshall Steeltalon & Trikuus Blowfeather, you will want one tank for each add. Each add has it's own AoE and will mem wipe constantly to random people. You will only be able to damage one add at a time; switch damage every 25% starting with Marshall.

Steely Vortex - high dmg physical dot (25 sec recast)
Mischievous Stifling/Pacification/Entanglement - this is a trio of arcane control effects that will hit random people about once every 30 seconds
Cloud of Chicanery - low dmg arcane dot w/ root (25 sec recast)
Bolt of Bedazzlement - low dmg arcane dot and power drain (hits up to 3 people randomly every 20 seconds)

The key to this part of the fight is having enough dps to take down a jaunty music box when it spawns. The first one will spawn 30 seconds into the fight and 45 seconds there after until Marshall and Trikuus are dead. The box can spawn at one of the three locations:
  1. -322, 2, -166
  2. -274, 10, -203
  3. -333, 17, -232
It is random each time where the box will spawn. You have 30 seconds to destroy the music box otherwise your raid will begin to dance for 15 seconds (you can't move or cast while this happening) and you'll most likely wipe. Set three groups in the center of this triangle so you have easy access to the music boxes and put the two adds here. During this part of the fight the MT group is in the little pond a little furthers away so they don't have to deal with the knockback AoE at first. Move Glokus out once Marshall dies and Trikuus is getting burned.

Once these two adds have died a pillar of white light will spawn at
-353, 4, -190, this is the area where you will want to move Glokus to. 30 seconds later an aviak shaman will spawn inside the pillar as an unattackable npc; you must have 4 people, one of each arch type go to this shaman and right it click at the same time so that it becomes attackable. You must do this within 10 seconds otherwise it will cast a massive AoE and wipe the raid. Each shaman spawn will be 40 seconds apart. In addition to this there will be a group of 4 adds that spawn every 45 seconds by the name an elite guardian, you can't have two sets of these up.
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Sanction 01-16-2013, 12:48 AM

Haha I know! I really need to get one for the other fights since I did those writes up too, I've been slacking =P.

EQ-Raiders 01-15-2013, 11:43 AM

I like it. OMG a Thumbnail! =)

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