by EQ-Raiders
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Markalus 06-12-2011, 10:44 PM

The trick on this guy is to got your tank to 130%+ crit mit. The fight was a lot easier when our tank got the gear.

Also, make sure everyone's elemental resists are pretty high...18k+.

sometool 06-10-2011, 01:27 PM

Tank and spank as stated but he does do some sort of strong attack at around 40-50% and again around 15%. I'd have to check my log to see what it is but it's a good idea for lesser geared tanks to save their cool downs for these two segments of the fight.

Evillonestar 05-24-2011, 03:21 AM

it might be your gear it would be best for you to get all DoV instance gear that you can then try agen. 125% cri mit is not bad but best bump it up 10% at least and try agen. this fight is realy just a tank and spank if you are haveing problems after you get better gear than it might be in your interest to look over some other things. have fun and happy hunting

Aceshot 04-04-2011, 10:46 PM

110% crit mit will reduce the AoE damage to the whole raid, so you want as many people in your raid to that number as possible.

malefix 04-04-2011, 04:21 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Aceshot View Post
You need about 110% crit mit and 200% crit for this zone. Try stacking 3 healers, max ranged and healing, nothing else.
Is the 110% crit mit a benchmarking minimum value for the tank, or the overall raid? Looking forward to starting to pull in there in a few days.

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