Tome of Ages Past & Spectral Librarian Emiida
by EQ-Raiders
This encounter can be one of the more difficult encounters in this zone. You will need to make sure that you burn the book and the librarian down evenly. They don't need to be kept the same or anything but one can't die more than 5% of the remaining health of the other. It will just be easier to keep the two closer if you burn them down evenly.

The librarian every 60 seconds or so will emote red text that she is channeling her energy. It is at this point you will need everyone in your raid to cast their "dispell" ability. This will stop the Librarian from smacking your tank with 50k+ hits.

The adds are the same from the heroic instance and the only one to mention is the third add (Syl'tor) does have a nasty knockback in which you will want to position your raid to prevent this.

Good heals and good dps (especially on the adds).
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Lakoda 07-12-2011, 04:12 PM

We've tried using the bookshelf but our issue isn't with the librarian and the book. As you mentioned its really with the adds. Finding a good place for the OT.

Quote Originally Posted by daw4888 View Post
Make sure your people are keeping debuffs on BOTH the book and lib. They will get lazy and only debuff the one you are killing, which is wrong.
Good advice for any fight with adds.

daw4888 07-12-2011, 03:53 PM

We pull her off to the side where the book shelves are. Then have your tank stand on one book shelve, and have the healers stand across from him with their backs to the other book shelve.

When an add is due, have your OT ready to pick it up. We normally have our MT just keep both the book and lib, this isnt to bad if you have a solid shaman + cleric. If you have to make it a cleric+sham+druid.

When an add pops you just need to make sure tards know they shouldnt be ae'ing and crap until the tank has it. We normally kill the book all the way to 25% while killing adds as they pop. There is no reason to do anything to the lib other then debuffing and dispelling until you have the last add from the book at 25% dead, then turn and work the lib down to equal the book. If you wipe it will most likely be due to one of the adds off the book, so its pointless to waste time on the lib until you have defeated all the adds.

Make sure your people are keeping debuffs on BOTH the book and lib. They will get lazy and only debuff the one you are killing, which is wrong.

Lakoda 07-12-2011, 02:15 PM

This past weekend we had this encounter reset on us at well. We did split up the fight but not on the attempt that reset - our split failed miserably though because we weren't dispelling her on her emote.

Can anyone offer positioning advice? We struggle when the adds popping and charging squishies. I am hoping that now that we know to dispel her we can split up more which should make things cleaner. Also, finding a good spot for the kicking add is proving annoying.

Mael84 04-24-2011, 03:16 AM

Tonight we tried a different OT and had him at the other end of the book cases opposite the MT. The whole encounter reset at the first add from the book. Anyone know if the librarian and book have to be a certain distance or it will reset or is this just some fluke?

Sanction 04-22-2011, 06:57 PM

Correct. There is a different spell for each arch-type. It is considered a spell for all classes so fighters and scouts will have the spell put in their Spells part of the knowledge book if I remember correctly.

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