Romero the Angered
by EQ-Raiders
Simple tank and spank mob.

The named does have a strikethrough ability but even that does not pose much of a problem. He will also randomly curse a member of your raid which will FD them until it is cured.

If your curse curer's are quick you won't even notice them.

Have a dps contest with your raid because thats the only organization you will need to kill this named.
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Andros 11-04-2011, 06:51 PM

Strikethrough does ignore wards or there is another effect active. On this mob and several others that have strikethrouhg the tank is taking damage even thought i have full wards on him and they do not show any damage absorbtion. The best move on this one is like you stated burn fast, spam your heals and have the healers rotate their deathsaves. With the nerf he is not as musch of a pain as he was, still hits hard but you have more options.

Demilitch 11-01-2011, 01:30 PM

I don't think strikethrough ignores wards. It just ignores all avoidance checks... not 100% sure on that one. The best thing to do on this is throw up death saves, heal your butts off and burn him down FAST. Once your in EM raid gear tho this fight becomes cake.

Andros 10-31-2011, 07:07 PM

He was nerfed to 50% strikethrough, a shamman would not have made a diff if he still had 100% strikethrouhg as they would go right thru the wards. Spaming your heals by all of the healers on the MT gets you thru this fight.

Liftik 10-26-2011, 04:43 AM

Looks to have been nerfed to 50% Strikethrough

Xenmir 08-30-2011, 08:12 PM

Thanks for the help

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