Vethilot the Corpsemonger
by EQ-Raiders
Exactly the same kind of fight as the heroic version. This version does output a little more dps however.

Unless you get backed up on adds and fail to destroy the corpses of the adds you kill you should not have any issues healing this fight.

If you fail to destroy one corpse you might see the more squishy members of your raid dying. A group of 12 equipped with decent Sentinel's Fate raid gear or Legendary Instanced gear from Destiny of Velious you shouldn't see any deaths unless you start missing corpses.

Adds can begin spawning at random at any time. Depending on your groups DPS output you might not see any adds until 70% or you could see an add right when you aggro him.

Don't bother curing any curses and just dps him down making sure to right click the corpse of the adds ASAP and choosing to "destroy the corpse".
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Gaealiege 09-24-2011, 02:25 PM

Seems odd that with 4 people we would only get the curse once on one pull and 5-6 times on a different pull of the same length. That suggests to me there is a way in which you avoid it. Random timer effects are basically non-existent in this game.

Aceshot 09-23-2011, 09:32 AM

There is no way to avoid the curse short of a death prevent and great healing.

Gaealiege 09-23-2011, 03:13 AM

There is definitely a way in which you can avoid the death curse, but I'm not certain how it is done. Last night we pulled him with 4 people and didn't see the curse until he was around 20% hp. No idea what we did different to stop the death curse from happening.

Anyone have any ideas?

BKNITE 05-02-2011, 10:13 PM

My guild mates did this fight the other night with no problems. The first key is to make sure everyone is spreadout but still in heal range. This is so you can see the corpses as they pop and can put them down easier and destroy them readily. The second key is the rezzing of members. When a member drops you have about 5 seconds to pick them up (best done by a dirge, so healers can do their job) this keeps him from getting the buffs. It is best to have the member call out the curse so that there is no guess work. Doing it this way, we were able to down him quickly and he only managed to gain two buffs. Also, as a side note : the adds stopped coming after 70%, however, I am not sure if this was because we prevented him from getting buffs or if it is just encounter mechanics/design.

Caiss 04-12-2011, 08:53 PM

We pulled him and got him on first pull just make sure your on top of your game. When the curse hit we let the member die and then got them up asap for the name will port to them and get a buff we had very high dps and he had about 4-6 buffs on him when he went down. We also did not have a constant wave off zombie adds maybe only got 4-5 then for some reason they stoped coming. If someone does go down the mob will then get a buff on him no matter what from what we saw but longer hes on dead person he will then get more buffs so rez FAST. This mob from what we saw droped charms if i remember correctly

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