Cara Omica
by EQ-Raiders
Anoying Mob. First when you get to 75% she will heal back to 100, thats the only time she healed on us.

Throughout the fight people will get ported downstairs, and have to kill copies of themselves. Its very important that you find all THREE of the pats, and kill them before you start. The tank will never get ported, or at least never did for us in a 10-14 min fight. The MT healers can get ported, so make sure your healers know that. It also seemed that the adds that spawn when you get ported have the ability to stiffle you for long periods of time. If you get stiffled start running back to the group while u wait on it to fade.

It really helps if you take people on this fight that know the rooms layout as wasted time running around lost makes the fight take longer.

There are also black floating blobs that will spawn randomly on both sides of the room. Designate two people to touch these blobs to remove the regeneration on Cara Omica. All the people have to do is run into the blobs. This will place a small curse on the players that touch these blobs, but the curse is just a small elemental dot.
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malefix 04-16-2011, 03:25 AM

Just wanted to confirm what Aceshot said.

1. She regenerate the damage you inflict on her.
2. Pick up the curse from the black blobs and she stops reactively healing your DPS.

The elemental dot is not that nasty, have your tank and DPS pick up the curse and she will be a quick burn.

luckee 03-22-2011, 06:07 PM

Thanks for the clarification. We found the roamers last night :-)

Sude 03-22-2011, 01:34 PM

You don't even have to kill the copy of yourself that spawns, these copies move VERY slowly and you can easily run back to the raid without any problem. Especially useful for squishy people or low DPS classes.

EQ-Raiders 03-21-2011, 09:18 PM

That is how I took it as well. Just hop down the hole and kill the three roaming x2' down in the corridors.

Phineok 03-21-2011, 05:15 PM

He means you need to go downstairs and kill all of the roamers, I think pat was an abbreviation for pathing mobs.
Else you'll have members of your raid ported into adds and they'll come after the rest of the raid.

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