We have been trying to kill this mob over the last several weekends and have not had much luck. we can get her down to about 50% but by then the adds are just to many. Also it seems as thought the adds have an AOE that they throw out. Is this the case and what is the best group setup to be able to take her down.
We've been doing this fight for awhile now (using the information listed here) and I just wanted to add a few comments.
Manifestation has a Fear ability so just be aware.
We typically let a caster have the killing blow on the Epic add...never healer or scout. Watch the health of that mob and call off the dps when the add is dropping to 5%ish, let the casters and OT take the kill.
When the first Epic add goes down and Manifestation ports, the AoE that she throws can be blocked.
We find it helpful to keep the raid fairly tight so that when she ports, the MT is still in range for the snap back.
Much thanks for the info about the killing blow. Will try this again, hopefully with more success.
Got this down last night - we split tanked it. The named and first hand go to the MT, as does the second hand that spawns. All other hands went to the OT, and we killed only the first hand that spawned. Worked even though we only had three healers.
Tried last night and the hand spawned on me - wizzy