Necretia Widowmaker
by EQ-Raiders
Necretia can be a bit tricky for those who fail to prevent the adds from spawning.

The fight is similar start to the heroic version. Only the two adds to the left or right of Necretia will come when first aggro'd. You will want to tank these adds away from the named. You can still dps Necretia at this point but you don't want to. You want to make sure not to spawn the half-drained corpses just yet.

Once you kill the two mobs, Necretia will come down and will begin spawning the corpses. When these corpses die they will leave behind 4 insect pods on the ground. What you need to do is right click on these pods and select attack and kill these pods ASAP. If you do not do this the remaining pods will hatch anywhere from 6-10 little spider hatchlings and your raid will be overwhelmed.

Necretia doesn't do anything overly hard to heal and once you get the pods destroyed everytime don't be surprised if you flawless this mob.

Good Luck.
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Aceshot 04-14-2011, 11:18 AM

Necratia is rooted until you kill both her adds.

losty 04-13-2011, 01:10 PM

As of 04-12, Necretia is spawning but it has to be a new instance.

EQ-Raiders 04-13-2011, 06:33 AM

The spider encounter was bugged. Somehow SOE managed to bug the encounter when they originally fixed the overpowered bow on the named. Word on the street is that you could get a chest to drop and make her respawn and drop another chest and do it all over again. People were farming the mob for infinite chest drops. Havent heard an ETA on when the Spider will be back up.

Caiss 04-12-2011, 08:33 PM

As of 4/10/11 when we went down there the name was not there i heard that they might have taken her out for some updates any news on this or do we need to do something to spawn her?

Sanction 03-30-2011, 02:24 PM

My guild did this last night and while we had the dps we were still getting 1-3 cacoons per corpse kill. But all you do is click them? Is it like a right click destory option just like the Corpsemonger or something a little different?

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