Tserrina Syl'Tor
by EQ-Raiders
Between 100% - 50% is just straight burn.
1. She will periodically port someone and 'bite' them for about 30% health then knock that person back and come back to the raid.
2. There is an elemental AoE that hits pretty hard if not cured.
3. She will cast a curse on a single person that debuffs potency for 125% that lasts for 10s (I think). If cured it will spread to other people, sometimes it would just move to a different person other times 2 or 3 other people would get it. The tank had to use DIs when his shaman had the curse as it cut heals by a lot.
4. When Tserrina hit 90% we sent two mages to get the buff from the bubble.

At 50% portals will spawn.
1. Tserrina will port herself away and spawn two portals that will spawn a x2 and heroic add encounter about every 15 seconds.
2. There will be two red messages flash across the screen that will indicate where the portals have come up. It will be either North or South and above or below. To get to the above portals you need to use the jump pads to reach them.
3. We would burn one portal down asap and then kill any adds up. For the second portal, once it goes down Tserrina will come back to the raid so it's important to try to only have 1 add alive and almost dead.

Between 50% - 25% is just burn.
1. There will be no more porting and biting and no more curse just burn to 25%.

Between 25% - 10% is surviving.
1. For our raid this was a more stressful part as she will start to hit your tank very hard. Fighters need to get the confidence debuff in. The debuff lasts for 36 seconds and can be recast every minute. Your two tanks should be on a 30 second cycle.
2. Once Tserrina hits 10% she will port herself to the middle of the room and will be no longer attackable. Players will see 6 green shinnies on the floor around her. These need to be clicked by 6 different people which will stun them in place. Once all 6 have been clicked she will be 'cleansed of her curse' and fly out of the tower. You will need to wait a moment for the chest to spawn and for the stun to clear off the 6 people.
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Schrek 10-08-2011, 01:08 AM

We haven't killed her yet, never could find a workable strat to try it until now, thanks guys. We took a pull on her last night and got her to 60 % before we got hammered, but we were winging it too . Hopefully we'll have better luck now that we have a strat we can work with.

Demilitch 09-12-2011, 04:43 PM

Still just as buggy as ever. Keep clicking the shinys until you cant click them anymore.

GreenmistEQ 09-12-2011, 02:26 PM

Have killed her numerous times previously, but experienced the shiny harvesting bug described by previous posters on two separate attempts on Saturday. Even with all shinies apparently clicked, she healed to 50% and spawned four doors instead of the normal two, which was too difficult to recover from.

It took a third attempt to drop her, which was still buggy. The shinies were harvested, achievements and quest rewards doled out, but we had to harvest the shinies a few minutes later in order to get her to fly off and grant us the loot. I've posted a thread to the official forums detailing this, so be warned of what to look for on attempts in the near future until this is (hopefully) resolved.

Drof 09-06-2011, 06:42 AM

so 2 times in a row we get her to 24% she emotes red text.. burn her till she ported which is before 10% all shinies clicked and she heals back to 50% and spawns mirrors again.. really annoying but maybe i'm missing something

mackgee 08-10-2011, 03:04 PM

So is she EVER supposed to jump back to 50% with portals once the shines spawn at 10% or would our experience be considered a bug?

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