Arch Confessor Aytali
by Edrickx
Arch Confessor is the first scripted mob in the zone, and can be a bit tricky to figure out. He will come with 2 initial adds Sloth and Wrath, and throughout the fight spawn 2 adds at a time every 30-45 seconds. The mob has a curse that needs to be cured, and the adds have a curse that should not be cured.

We pulled Arch Confessor to the bottom center of the steps he stands on, the adds that will spawn throughout the fight will come from directly across the room from the stairs. Burn the two adds Sloth and Wrath as quickly as you can then have your off tank group burn down the first set of adds that spawn from the corner. Each time they kill an add have them back out and let your off tank stand on the pillar that appears when each add dies.

The trick to this encounter is when each add dies they spawn a pillar that will disappear after a few seconds. The person closest to that pillar will receive a curse/buff that will allow them to hit the next add for 100% of it's life, so potentially you can have one person one shotting adds and snagging buff to kill the next add. Because there is a delay on the pillar and the adds come 2 at a time you would be wise to have 2 people working the adds with a healer slapping them some love now and again. What you don't want is the adds to die and spawn their pillar in the middle of the raid because your buff can be potentially lost. If this happens there is a text that pops on the screen of the person who receives the curse/buff and if they are paying attention they can fire an arrow at the next add or some single damage to remedy this.

The adds are really the only tricky part of this encounter, the named didn't seem to hit too hard and my healers didn't have an issue keeping me or the groups up. Stay on top of the adds and you will have this encounter in the bag.
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Rigid 01-01-2012, 10:15 PM

If you have enough DPS you can just burn the name, then slot and wrath when they die the two new adds vansish. Normally we do this before the adds get to the raid. We pull where the mob is. If we don't burn the name fast enouh the OT just grabs the other two adds and holds them while we finish the name and sloth and wrath down.

nyia_crushbone 11-16-2011, 11:15 AM

Im not to sure but from what i see the purple pillar is a buff to heals and the red should be the buff used to kill the mobs.

Andros 10-31-2011, 07:01 PM

We did the fight the other night and took six times before we took them down. We had to move a coercer to the OT group as the second group of mobs would kill the groups power (Envy i believe) and that stabalized the fight. Is the buff only ussable by certain classes as we had a scouts with the buff and a Wizard and they were not able to one shot the mobs?

Quijana 10-01-2011, 11:48 PM

Lust Curse: "Arch Confessor Aytali locks gazes with you. You are about to lose control." If this curse is not cured quickly (seems like you have about 8 seconds or so), you become charmed when it expires and attack your party. The charm does not seem to last too long.

Consequences of Pride Curse: Reduces healing received by 50%. This i the one kanol says not to cure or you will get an add. We did cure it. I am not sure if we got more adds because of it or not *grin*

Vallon's Abrogation Curse: HUGE debuff on tank. Must be cured or tank's health will start to spike big time.

Sloth and Wrath both cast incurable dots that do nasty things.

Sloth Debuff: Decreases ability recovery, reuse, casting, reuse aoe, and healing received by 25%.

Wrath Debuff: Did not get this info. I recall our Templar saying it was bad though.

Will note that the manadrain on pull went through all AE blockers we had up.

kanol123 07-29-2011, 06:08 AM

There are three total curses and only 2/3 curses need to be cured. One of them will charm you when the curse is not cured and expires on the player. The other will be placed on your MT which is a huge debuff and needs to be cured asap otherwise you risk losing your MT. And the third curse, I believe it was called something Pride, does NOT need to be cured. If you cure it, it will spawn an add on that person. Find the name of it, put it in ACT and have some1 call it out in raid so your healers don't waste a cure curse and that will be one less mob to worry about.

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