Tel’koran Bloodmaw
by EQ-Raiders
Bloodmaw is a pretty simple turn and burn type of encounter with a small little twist. You will recieve a "red text" message that says "Tel'koran will soon slay <target> unless he is diverted!".

Now, <target> obviously means whoever is currently tanking Bloodmaw. To execute this encounter just swap tanks each time you see this Red Text Warning message. If the original tank pulls aggro back before the next Red Text Warning he will still get slain.

If you do not properly switch tanks on the notification and your tank dies Tel'koran will become slightly more powerful (even more powerful with more bad tank swaps).

Swap tanks, commence burn, Grats on loot.
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EQ-Raiders 07-12-2012, 05:59 PM

Nah not the UI. Check the damage in game. The aoe is one name but the damage ticks are called another name I believe.

Vanuk 07-12-2012, 05:46 PM

Guess its my UI that is messed up. ACT and Raid Hub see Bloodflame but when the mob casts it, I see Bloodfire on his casting bar.
My apologizes

EQ-Raiders 07-02-2012, 09:11 PM

Thanks for the update. I think the spell cast is called Bloodflame but it hits as Bloodfire. Is that it?

Vanuk 07-02-2012, 06:00 PM

Elemental ae is not called ''Bloodflame'' the correct name is ''Bloodfire''

EQ-Raiders 05-06-2012, 03:08 AM

This is correct, he gains the buff when he kills that person to which the emote refers. *Updated

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