Theldek the Stinger
by EQ-Raiders
Theldek is a simple tank and spank with a few adds thrown in. Theldek will aggro the second anyone touches the bar on the floor entering his room.

The aoe's from Theldek are not too powerful at all so you could have everyone in your raid just pile right on top of him. Every 30-45 seconds scorpions will begin spawning on your raid one at time roughly 5 seconds apart. Your guild can either choose to kill these scorpions or ignore them and AOE dps them down. This is very dependent on your raids dps however. The adds are the only thing special about this encounter. The adds do very little damage on their own.

Tank and spank, grats on loot.
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Maelstrom64 05-07-2012, 10:54 AM

The buff that is granted to the named for each scorpion near is called "Stinging Empowerment".
He cannot seem to have more than 2 of these up at one time.

It does the following:

INT & STR +170
Base Auto Attack Multiplier +1,000
Multi Attack Chance + 30
Attack Speed + 50
On a hit 20% Chance to cast 1000 Stings on target of attack, Lasts 5 seconds
3 times Heat damage in AOE and every 5 seconds
Dazes Target
Reduces Healing Received by 25%

The power drain is caused by the Noxious AOE "Stinging Torrent" but it does very little damage.

Kaylith 04-29-2012, 01:27 AM

As a note, the Adds are not big damage, but for each one near the main named he gains a power drain that will suck up a lot of power if they are not pulled away or burned down.

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