Balor the Primeval
by EQ-Raiders
Balor is the first mob in this zone that can be considered a DPS check. You will find Balor standing on the middle of the bridge after teleporting to Wing 2 in Underdepths. You do not have to fight him on the bridge as he can be pull to either side without the encounter breaking.

The first part of this fight is that Balor will have adds come to his aid by the name of "a Soulsand Titan". These adds look just like the adds from the Dagarn encounter only larger. These adds have a timer on them to be killed which is roughly 45 seconds or they will be absorbed by Balor and he will get more powerful. Depending on your raids dps you can either choose to kill each add the comes in or ignore them and heal through the enchanced damage. For a guild that is mostly HM-geared from either original DOV instances or even Drunder zones, you could probably survive having several of these adds get absorbed. If you do not have the survivability but you do have the dps then position your raid to be able to catch these incoming adds as quickly as possible (actually on the bridge). The adds from the center of the bridge so if your dps is positioned right you can start a burn on the adds quicker than if your raid was positioned on either side of the bridge. There is no knockback so standing on the bridge is not dangerous.

The second part of this encounter is in the form of a Red Text Warning that must be jousted. This Red Text Warning doesn't one shot you but it will break all of your armor if you are caught by it. The warning reads, "Balor the Primeval begins to click and whirl as he activates with ancient draconic magic." This is your warning to get out and stay out until the effect hits. Balor will be rooted when this effect is casting and his casting time is longer than the animation shows. Do not run in prematurely as you will be caught by it. When Balor is no longer rooted is your safe notice of the effect having gone off.

Joust the Red Text, Kill adds or don't kill adds... grats on loot.
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Plagee 07-01-2012, 12:20 AM

We also found that if you pull Balor into the teleport room, you can use the 2nd line on the floor away from a wall as the joust point.

Galileo 06-21-2012, 10:29 PM

The adds come from the West, not from the middle.

Kill the 2 mobs at the teleport, pull and tank balor in the bridge close to the teleport, put other tank and his healer in the middle to hold the add to prevent it killing someone in your raid and they will be far away enugh to avoid the armour breaking, move the raid to the East to joust the red text. The buff to Balos when absorbing the add will reset on every add. Kill and loot. We did it with 14 ppl, 1,6 million DPS, no chanters btw.

Maelstrom64 05-14-2012, 10:09 PM

The buff is called Soulstench and does the following:

Base Auto Attack Multplier +2000
20% AE Auto Attack

As the named doesnt have any strong AOES except his fatal and equipment wrecking DEVASTATING SLAUGHTER, this buff does not seem to have much effect on the encounter provided no one purposely stands in front or takes extra focus damage from Primevil Detonation & Primevil Ignition. (These aoes do less than 10k normally)

It should be noted however that the item permanently stays in your posession and can be used to remove/reduce the duration of the buff SOULSTENCH whether you choose to defeat the add or not.

Vanuk 05-13-2012, 10:52 PM

If you hold the adds up, you'll see that he get empowered on the red text. The Soulsand Crystal is to debuff him in case an add has not been killed in time. In its current form, don't bother with them, the power improvement on named is barely noticeable.

Caiss 05-13-2012, 02:28 AM

Ok does anyone know what the "Soulsand Crystal" is for? You get it after the fight and the second time we were pulling him we used it said "The soulsand crystal tunes to Balor The Primeval's frequency and shakes him up a bit!" does any1 know what this means?

Also our pull strat....We pull him back to the portal (killed adds on both sides first) and we then move our dps to the first flame pillar thing w/e....our MT healers move slightly up to heal MT and MT and MT healers joust...Our OT stands behind us a bit and grabs add. We ignore add and do a full burn on the name...Our guild is mostly EM and pulls around 2 mil.

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