Belkreiz Blazeclaw
by EQ-Raiders
Blazeclaw will be your first encounter in this zone dealing with a group of spawned enemies. Every 45 seconds or so he will spawn a group of adds of different class types. The group is "a dracurian" warrior, warlock, thug, mentalist and inquisitor. These adds do not do much damage but the warrior can taunt you off your target for a small amount of time. The adds do not have much HP if your raid dps is fairly good. The adds vary in hp from 75,000 to 250,000 hp.

The tricky part in this fight resides in a detriment that is called "Time Vortex". This is a Curse effect that is placed on someone in your raid every 30 seconds. The player that has Time Vortex placed on them can not perform ANY action on any mob in the encounter or they will spawn a "Ancient Dracurian Seer". This includes reactive healing/damage procs! (as of 4/25/12)

The Ancient Dracurian Seer by itself is not all that difficult but if you get too many of them they do cast a Stunning Shards AOE that will stun/stifle your raid. Too many Seers spells trouble for your healers for healing and your tanks for taunting.

A possible solution is to send the player with Time Vortex away from your raid to try to avoid AOE dmg and prevent triggering procs and reactives that could trigger Time Vortex. Focus on killing Blazeclaw as fast as possible to limit the amount of times Blazeclaw casts Time Vortex. Just make sure the person with Time Vortex targets themselves and takes their hands off their controls to be sure.

Deal with Time Vortex, AOE dps the adds and grats on loot.
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Sigrdrifa01 08-07-2012, 01:31 PM

I absolutely appreciate the feedback. Nothing is more frustrating than wiping and not knowing why. Now we have some things to target for improvement, and that's much more doable. Thanks to those who responded.

Zammi 08-06-2012, 02:58 PM

For this fight, tell your healers to have relics and signet of stability. It breaks the stuns and keep them immune for a short time so they can still cure if you have a Seer up.
Freedom of Mind (T7 potions) also helps. Does not have to be grandmaster.
And of course, everyone in raid should have pots for self cure.

Demilitch 08-03-2012, 03:19 PM

No it cannot. Only if it expires naturally on a player. Also note that pet classes do not have to back off their pets when they are cursed. Only the player has to stop.

Sigrdrifa01 08-03-2012, 01:59 PM

Can Combustion be triggered by un-cured detrimentals on pets? How about on dumbfire pets?

Sanction 06-28-2012, 02:53 PM

My understanding is that combustion happens when the swarm of adds is not killed fast enough. I think you have 25 seconds to kill them once they've spawned.

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