Ikatiar the Ancient + Challenge Mode
by EQ-Raiders
Ikatiar is very similar to Mystikus Terrorwing for those who have been in Tallon's Stronghold in Drunder.

For the guilds that have killed Mystikus Terrorwing this mob will be very easy to understand. The only difference with this mob is that the named does not leave while you kill the adds (in this case, one add spawns about every 45 seconds or so called a "Venemous Drake") and the toxic cloud is a timed spawn on a raid member marked by a floating "skull and crossbones". Your raid must get away from this area by more than 20 meters.

There is no knockback on this fight so choose two places to run back and forth from as you kill adds and avoid the noxious cloud. The only aoe to watch out for, that your squishier players may need to joust, is Virulent Eruption. This AOE can be very deadly up close to the wrong person.

Dance back and forth while you kill the little adds and avoid the noxious cloud. Grats on loot.

Challenge Mode

Instead of one death cloud there will be two that spawn making it even more important to keep your raid together. The clouds spawn every time just after Eruption hits so tell your melee to joust when this is casting and stay out until after the move.

There is also a 'hide' effect like Finnrdag had in Temple. One person will be marked with a red message about Ikatiar focusing on them and they need to get out of line of sight. This will hit a single raid member about once a minute (I think, need clarification on this timer).

For positioning we used one of the mounds as our points of reference. The raid started on one side and when the clouds spawned we shifted to the opposite side. If a member had to hide they went behind the mound. The tank was about 20-25 meters out from the front of the mound and would make sure to slightly rotate the name so the scouts always had the back of the mob. The name doesn't move very easily and it took our tank 4 or 5 pulls to get this slight turn perfected.

Between the add and the name there is a lot of HP to burn through. The fight isn't as much of a dps check as other fights but you can expect the fight to be long, our first kill pull was just under 16 minutes with 3mil dps. Good Luck!
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mecrab 09-01-2012, 02:20 AM

Pretty sure the "early" call by RH is due to the time between the red-text being detected and when the curse actually lands (giving the affected player time to hide). Much like the Belkreiz fight - the red-text comes first, then a few seconds later you get the detriment applied to you. Will pull this encounter asap to get a good timer on the red-text, just assuming it is 40 seconds for now.

Sanction 08-25-2012, 09:42 PM

Just one here. The mt rarely gets the hide message and if it happens the defiler death save should be enough to keep them up through it.

EQ-Raiders 08-25-2012, 09:27 AM

So how many mt's are people using to kill challenge mode...2 tanks or 1 tank?

Achasdaug 08-14-2012, 02:03 PM

Im not sure if anyone else uses Raid Hub but i was wondering on the timing if tit really is the 40 secs or not, our raid hub seems to call out the warning that its hit but doesnt actually hit for several secs later.

Malice 07-18-2012, 08:54 AM

I am just going off what people were saying - maybe it was a buff flashing... will know more thur.

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