Malteor Flamecaller
by EQ-Raiders
Malteor is an interesting fight with a detriment effect that is handled in a similar way to how the noxious detriment is done on Lichlord Skulldugger in Vallon's Tower.

First, it should be known that there is a Red Text Warning on this encounter that must be jousted and either moved or Stoneskinned/Death Prevented by the tank. The text warning is, "Malteor's body begins to immolate, the heat around him becomes unbearable!". So this means probably setting up two move spots just incase you can't prevent the damage.

The second and most important part of this fight is in the detriment, called Infernal Condundrum. This detriment which is placed on one player every 30 seconds allows them and them alone to attack and kill a "a time-phased elemental" that spawns inside the raid. This add barely has 50,000 hp and can be one shotted by most classes. However, if you do not kill this add within 10 seconds of it spawning it will spawn "an infernal salamander". The salamander has a nasty heat + crushing based aoe that will do serious damage to anyone near. If you get a salamander best to just start over than fight through it. If you get two salamanders it is pretty much over as you will get a message that "Call of Flames has completed" and you will all die.

The second part of this detrimental is that once you kill the elemental that person must "cancel" the effect from their detriment window. This is where the Skulldugger fight comes into play. The second you kill your add you must clear this off of you or you will still empower Malteor and wipe your raid.

Cure the aoes, joust the Red Text Warning, kill the elemental, cancel the detriment...grats on loot.
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Reyca 08-15-2012, 12:21 PM

Twice at the same time. I checked it again yesterday and it seems we all got a bit confused and it must have been not cured people who didn't use a pot (and no one noticed that). Was as everytime yesterday.

Demilitch 08-10-2012, 01:23 PM

Do you mean twice at the same time or twice as in the same player got hit with it two times in a row? Also remember that there are two effects that can spawn a salamander, not cancelling infernal conundrum and also not curing call of flames. If someone does not get cured and the elemental detriment expires on its own, you pop a salamander.

Reyca 08-10-2012, 11:49 AM

Yesterday it seemed that the time-phased elemental came twice to a player - or something other is broken because the salamander came although a member and I killed the elemental and cancelled it when we had the detriment. That didn't happen before.

Zammi 08-07-2012, 05:00 PM

Anyone know if it's possible to cancel the conundrum detriment with a macro?

Markalus 07-25-2012, 09:40 PM

SOE fixed the misspelling of Infernal Conundrum. Adjust your Det Call ACT plugin as necessary.