Arraken Skyward
by EQ-Raiders
Arreken Skyward is a busy fight that will have you paying attention to the front and back of this mob.

Arreken Skyward has two random emotes that are spoken in Draconic Language and will be about his "tail" or his "bite".

If the text says, "Standing in front of my mighty jaws puts you in a convenient place for a quick meal!", then any melee standing near the front of Arreken (frontal up to 180 degrees) will be killed. You will want to use a Stoneskin/Death Prevent on your MT for this emote so you don't turn Arreken around by moving your MT.

If the text says, "You think you can evade me by staying behind me? My tail will make quick work of you!", then anyone standing directly behind Arreken will be killed (rear up to 180 degrees) Anyone not on the side of him and even slightly forward will be killed.

There will be adds that will also come during the fight as well called a "a Dracurian Scorgeknight". These adds have roughly 30-40 million hp.

You must cure Impending Destruction or you will get a fail condition called "Call of Sky" and will likely kill your raid.

Joust the emotes of Arreken, cure the trauma, kill the adds...grats on loot.
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Demilitch 04-30-2012, 02:01 AM

1.5mil or better should be fine unless you intend to kill the adds. If then you need to be pushing at least 2million .

Imaef 04-29-2012, 03:44 PM

Anyone have a recommended DPS requirement for this fight?

EQ-Raiders 04-27-2012, 01:35 AM

Thanks for the clarification.

Demilitch 04-26-2012, 06:12 PM

Correct, the adds do not trigger the fail condition. We do not kill the adds at all. We burn the named and our off tanks hold on to the adds. Detriments must all be cured.

Zeezee 04-26-2012, 01:09 PM

Adds were called, "a Dracurion Scorgeknight"

Buffs on Mob:
Sky Rage - Grants 185% Critical Avoidance

Fireclaw - On Melee hit this spell with cast Heatstrike on target of attack
Inflicts 49921 heat damage on target
Can not be modified except by direct means

Red Text - Arreken Skyward begins to thrash his tail around wildly!

Impending Destruction - If not cured this spell may cause extra abilities to manifest!
Inflicts 30.0% of max health in crushing damage on targets in Area of Effect
This effect cannot be critically applied
Cannot be modified except by direct means

Uncureable Noxious:
Destructive Shroud - Inflicts 67.0% of max health in crushing damage on target
This effect cannot be critically applied
Precents target from changing targets
You are blinded
Cannot be modified except by direct means

1000 Stings - Dazes targets in Area of Effect
Inflicts 1943-2375 heat damage on targets in Area of Effect
Inflicts 1905-2328 heal damage on targets in area of effect every 5 seconds
Damage from this effect is harder than normal to mitigate
Reduces healing recieved by 25.00%
Cannot be modified except by direct means

Adds are not what triggers the fail condition but rather cures. If the mobs casts call of sky and your raid members are not free of detriment that is when you all die.

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