Crushing blow goes to the target (tank) and doesn't allow offensive spells.
The jousting is at 35%.
There are 2 adds.
While we fought him last night. Tremerous Stomp supposedly does more damage the closer your are. However, it didn't seem to do much to players. Some warders ate it a few times though. It was likely group wards eating the damage, but I rarely got hurt from it when I didn't back off a little.
thanks for the status amount update
We had the tank pull it to the center of the circle and had everyone on the outer ring just joust back and forth in a semi circle depending on where the rocks were falling.
(Received 19,044 status @92 in a level 90 guild.)
We pulled him down to the bottom of the ramp. Tanked in the bottom corner of the ramp and jousted to the middle between the ramps. This gave a bit more space to move around. And if I remember right, he starts the jousting at 35%.