Paldar Bladesoul
by EQ-Raiders
The Paldar Bladesoul encounter requires alot of AOE dps and decent single target dps. You need decent AOE dps to handle the 5 total kinds of adds you will get throughout the fight and you will need good single target dps to make sure you are getting one specific add down in time.

There are two kinds of add spawns. One group of three and one group of two. The group of three consist of 'a conscripted priest' , 'a conscripted fighter' , 'a conscripted sorcerer'. The add you want to make sure dies right away is the priest add. If this add is not killed within 30 seconds it will heal the encounter anywhere between 15-25% of health on the named mobs.

The sorcerer if not killed will AOE the raid (not that hard) and the fighter will start taunting people. The adds are heroic so they are susceptible to stuns and stifles so make sure your chanters are taking advantage of doing so and buying your raid time.

The second group of adds are 'a keening banshee'. These must also be killed in a timely manner or they will red text that they unleash a wail and will one shot most of your raid. You also have 30 seconds to burn this set down.

The 'enkindled sentry' has a red text aoe joust that you need to pay attention to so make sure the sentry is tanked off of your raid atleast 20 meters from the raid. The red text can be stoneskinned by a MT so make sure you have a tank that can block the red text joust every 30 seconds to make it easier on your raid.

Paldar has a curse called 'Summoner's Enigma', a curse effect that if cured stuns people near the person who was cured. If it expires naturally will pulse damage on and around the person that was not cured.

When someone gets the curse it is easier to just have that person run away from the raid about 35 meters and let it expire on them. They will be stunned for about 10 seconds while the damage pulses around them but when it expires they can return safely to the raid. If the MT or OT get the curse you should have everyone move away and range until the MT calls in after the pulsing damage stops. A tank that that absorb some of the damage from the pulses will make things a bit easier on your healers as well.

The two named will equalize their health every so often. You can burn one at a time or both at the same time, up to your raid.

Good Luck!!
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goodgulf99 11-16-2012, 03:15 PM

No it doesn't need to be cured but if cured while standing away they can rejoin the raid quicker.

Additionally just keep paldar in the raid so he gets aoe damage. There are no real issues with doing this since there appears to be no frontal, etc.. the golem is another story, keep him away.

Eats 11-13-2012, 09:32 PM

We have cursed people just move out of range, stand there, let curse drop off, then rejoin the fight. It doesn't have to be cured.

Demilitch 10-31-2012, 05:56 PM

You still have to cure the curse, you just need to have them run out to max cure range and get cured. Only the cure'e will get stunned, but its better than stunning the whole raid.

Blueorchid 10-31-2012, 04:44 PM

Where is the stun coming from? we have the cursed person leave the room and not cure and we seem to still get there an AOE that stuns during the fight as well?

Demilitch 10-30-2012, 01:36 PM

This fight was discussed heavily at FF. The changes came out of those discussions.

Sleeper's Tomb: a Temporal Leap [Raid]
Paldar Bladesoul – The conscripted erudite adds spawn less frequently. Paldar and the enkindled sentry golem now share health when they normalize, rather than the more damaged NPC healing to the same health as the least damaged. They now normalize to their combined health divided by 2 (approx).

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