Milas the Ancient
by EQ-Raiders
Milas is probably the easiest fight in the zone. The three Othmir that arrive with Milas are very weak and look as if they need to be killed in a certain order (Need Confirmation). As of this post we killed one othmir only to have be revived and then proceeded to kill the others in a differed order and they all laid on the ground. Need confirmation on whether doing it a different way yields a different result.

Aside from the ugly othmirs, Milas does have one Red Text joust that you will need your raid to move out on. You can attempt to DI your MT on this red text joust to keep Milas in one spot.

At 50% Milas will summon a x4 version of someone in your raid. This mob is not too difficult but gets harder to kill the longer it is up. Also the person who gets chosen is unable to perform any actions. Kill the x4 replica quickly and you won't have much of a problem. Occasionally one of Ugly Othmirs may stand up while x4 replica is up. Keep that othmir bunched up with the x4 add and melt it down.

Joust the Red Text, Burn the adds.. grats on loot!
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Demilitch 10-15-2012, 06:54 PM

On challenge mode, the Fire based AE from Milas hits VERY hard.

EQ-Raiders 10-09-2012, 10:34 AM

A full write up on the challenge mode of Milas is coming VERY shortly.

terlizzi999 10-02-2012, 02:04 PM

We killed this last for a raid challenge this was a joke...on EM. Seriously looking at trying him HM next run through. Do we have any solid info on the HM version yet as in what raid wide dps we need any additional ae's?

Zammi 09-29-2012, 08:55 AM

Quote Originally Posted by Novu View Post
The challenge mode of this is pretty easy if you can meet the dps check. Right clicking will activate The Final Arbiter which has to be off tanked away from Milas and killed first. Two smaller golems will slowly walk toward The Final Arbiter and if they reach him it is a fail condition. DPS the small golems down every time they spawn while still dealing with copy cat adds. The person who gets copy should kill their own add because they will have a buff that massively increases their DPS. Basic strat is burn adds, burn arbiter, rinse repeat until dead. Then just kill Milas like easy mode.
Any idea what dps your raid needs to be at to even try the CM?

Gash 09-28-2012, 05:54 AM

LOL, those are Ulthorks (Walrus people from EQ1 Velious) not "Ugly Othmirs" hehehe

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