It does not take 8 raiders to free the tank (just one grouped this mob).
Adds are called "a phoenix drake", "a traumatic warder" and "a magic warder". We kill them in that order.
Silis drops a nasty elemental AE dot about every minute or so called Molten Inferno.
Molten Inferno: Interrupts targets in area of effect, inflicts loads of heat damage on impact and if not cured it inflicts even more every 5 seconds.
We fought named right where it stands, just spin it. All tanks in front, rest of raid on mobs butt. 3 things happen during fight...
1. Named will curse the tank (whichever one has agro), you will see the big rex text.
2. Cure tank, then a couple people need to right click the named. You will get a green text and you can damage the Named again.
3. 3 adds will spawn about every 50 secs or so. Kill the phoenix one first, or he will just keep rezzing his buddies. When adds are dead, go back to beating the named.
Enjoy your loot!