Sorn Dontro
by EQ-Raiders
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Duch 01-17-2013, 02:05 PM

The essence of the Event:
1. Mob held in two tanks (one holds, the other is close and fear, preferably not closer than 25 m). Name periodically casts a curse, which is called the "Lethal Mist" or something like that. It falls on the tank in the ground or on any raider, which is next to the name, maybe even several at once (2-3). To curse eased to just go on the name (not very far (25 m), just to curse icon missing in the raid on your character). If you do not go away - death. And therefore need a second tank on a safety net as a curse on the first tank dropped, so the name of the second takes over, and the first tank moves. More named any difficulties arise.
2. There is another group of emerging periodically adds (3 pieces). They need to quickly cut away, they are, in general, plush, or may take the third tank, or someone from the melee (thicker). He should be MA, through which the whole raid and saws.
3. Kill, respectively, in the chain: the name-the adds-name-the adds and so on to victory ...

Overall not difficult if there dps and 2 tanks (3-party pass).

Catharz 12-08-2012, 12:19 AM

The keys to this fight are dealing with Lethal Mist and the adds.

Lethal Mist is incurable and will kill anybody who has it when it expires. It is removed by getting 25m away from Sorn.

The adds need to be killed asap, or they blow up.

We setup 3 points for the raid to deal with mist. Tank the named in one spot, raid in another (about 25m away from the named) and a third spot for the tank to joust to (again, 25m away). When the tank gets lethal mist, another tank runs in and snaps the named while the first one is jousting out to the third spot.

This is much easier with 3 tanks (because of the adds), but doable with 2 tanks.

Zeezee 11-22-2012, 03:18 PM

We did do a tank swap on it but the adds didn't seem to be much of an issue with an MA to target them to be picked up right away. The biggest thing was when you get hit with Leathal Mist (uncurable nox) you need to get out at least 20 meters and wait for it to tick off you (about 3 seconds once far enough out) then joust back in. We had our tanks exercise their nerves of steal by allowing one to joust out and clear the Leathal Mist then come in and rescue the named off the other so they could sprint out. It can be done with 2 tanks though 3 is propably better since not everyone will get hit with the mist.

Demilitch 11-22-2012, 04:20 AM

This is a 3 tank fight. You need two tanks to pull the named back and forth to clear the detriment off eachother and a 3rd AE tank in the raid which stay away from the named burning adds.

Demilitch 11-22-2012, 02:08 AM

This fight here is a little odd. There is a detriment the mob cast called lethal mist. You have to move away from him to get rid of it... the problem is, he puts it on the tank too, so you have to tank swap.

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