Drels Ma'Gor
by Andros
Drels Ma'gor uses the following abilities as recorded by act during our encounter:
Abyssal Bolt: a 1-2 hit poison damage (20K -76K) each hit.
Abyssal Claw: a 1-2 hit poison damage (9K - 72K) each hit.
Arcane Dissipation: this is classified as 'relieves" under damage and dispels all buffs on the mob.
Dark Death: seems to be an Aoe as it hit between 3 to 16 raid members when cast poison damage (13K - 75K) each person seems that the team in group one has the higher damage incoming so the closer you are to her the harder it hits.
Backlash: is a melee reactive hit doing (9K - 37K)

A Dark figure is generated by the mob we had "An Abyssal Assassin" and a "A Dark Sorcerer" appear. My guess is that there will also be some type of fighter and priest. I reviewed the ACT parse for these two mobs and only their own arch type is able to hurt them hence my conclusion that the other two arch types will also be generated. The other mobs generated is"A Dark Drake" can be hit and damaged by any class.

A Dark Sorcerer:
Damage by: any Mage class
No Damage: any other class (according to the parse any fighter,scout and priest hit did no damage)
The Sorcerer used Arcane Disintegration on non Mage targets that hit him only a few targets where hit but damage is in the range of 30k to 156k. there may be a range to target or other specific for who gets hit.

An Abyssal Assassin:
Damaged by: any Scout/Bard class
No Damage: any other class (according to the parse any fighter,scout and priest hit did no damage)
The assassin used Assassinating Force on non scout/Bard targets that hit him, again only a few targets where hit. Damage range of 122k to 167k
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Zammi 02-09-2013, 02:55 PM

Quote Originally Posted by gatrm View Post
I know Dark Death hits harder the closer you are to the name, but does it also hit harder if the drake adds are too close to the name?
Haven't noticed anything like that but they have a force target so should be kept away from MT group.

Abyssal Claw is a curse that is cast on MT. Abyssal Bolt hits tank IF Abyssal Claw is cured. We have found that Abyssal Bolt hits harder than Claw so we don't cure that curse of MT. When timer (10 sec) on Claw run out, MT get hit hard but if healers are on their toes there shouldn't be any problem to keep the tank alive.

gatrm 02-06-2013, 04:06 PM

I know Dark Death hits harder the closer you are to the name, but does it also hit harder if the drake adds are too close to the name?

visink 01-08-2013, 03:10 AM

A few notes about the class adds. Choose a MA scout and a MA mage for the class adds. It just makes it easier. Also, choose a spot to drag the class adds away from your OT. This helps prevent the wrong people from hitting them with an aoe. Have your healers stand between the OT and the scout/mage pull location so they are in healing range of both. On top of your standard healing, it also helps if you have your healers cross heal the MA's for the class adds as they will be squishier than a tank. One last thing, healers seem to also be able to hit the mage add with arcane and elemental SPELLS (no combat arts) as long as they are far enough away and don't rip. I'm not 100% on that last one, but when I was doing it, I didn't see a stoneskin and seemed to be doing damage. I never did look in ACT to confirm this was working.
Merged Post

Quote Originally Posted by Demilitch View Post
Dark Calling lands at exactly the same time as "Dark Death", so just make sure to cure that curse.
The named is the one that cast's Dark Death, so just have someone who always has the named targeted watch their casting bar and call it out. The first time he cast's Dark Death, Dark calling (the charm curse) won't land, but it will every time after that.

Demilitch 12-20-2012, 01:14 AM

Dark Calling lands at exactly the same time as "Dark Death", so just make sure to cure that curse.

Demilitch 12-14-2012, 05:52 AM

Has anyone figured out a way to set up a trigger for Dark Calling?

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