Eidolon Ventani
by EQ-Raiders
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gorblegorble 05-25-2013, 11:12 PM

Quote Originally Posted by gorblegorble View Post
Nanzata(Red) cloaks
Ventani(gold) neck
Hraashhna(blue) ranged
Tukaarak(black) should be secondaries then

If you wipe, you get a rightclick option to respawn the previously summoned eidolon at no fragment cost.

REd priest -salamanders
Blue scout - spreading curse
Black mage - fear curse
Gold fighter - epic add for pants brands/effects

gorblegorble 04-25-2013, 02:36 AM

Nanzata(Red) cloaks
Ventani(gold) neck
Hraashhna(blue) ranged
Tukaarak(black) should be secondaries then

If you wipe, you get a rightclick option to respawn the previously summoned eidolon at no fragment cost.

visink 01-25-2013, 05:01 AM

Drops Fighter Pants.

EQ2Alyza 01-06-2013, 05:44 PM

The color combination for the first 3 fragments inserted does not matter. The dragon spawns are based on the color of the 4th fragment inserted. Once a dragon has been defeated, the option to use a fragment of that same color as the 4th insert will go away and you will no longer be able to spawn it again in that same instance.

Ventani: x-x-x-Gold

Nanzata: x-x-x-Red

Tukaarak: x-x-x-Black

Hraashhna: x-x-x-Blue

Demilitch 12-07-2012, 04:47 PM

Black red blue gold

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