The Mem shuffle/wipe happens at the same time as thulian crush. watch for it, it is a time-able AOE that occasionally comes late. There is also some association to pets triggering the memwipe. I don't believe it is truly the pets, but the number of people fighting. If you are doing this shorthanded, say with 18 toons, you have 6 raid slots that could be filled by pets. This includes temp pets: ranger attack hawk, wizard protoflame, all the summoner temp pets, brig band of thugs, and so forth, but it also included summoned pets that attack ( not deity pets)... shaman dogs, chanter pets/summoned essences, summoner pets... all of them. When we stop using all of those the memwipes have been confined solely to the ones that coincide with Thulian Crush. Also of note... it seems to be an actual wipe. not a shuffle, AND it only seems to hit people in range of the Thulian crush AOE, making this a bit of dps check, as anyone down dealing with barrodas or the vines will never have their hate position wiped, and as the fight drags on they will be the ones that Barrodas wipes to more and more often, and there he goes down the ramp after them...
I tried numerous times to figure find it, it don't seem to be based on %, on time, or a timer, and nothing show on the log about it
Baelon has the same mem shuffle that Oligar does and I am pretty sure its on a fixed timer that can be put on a trigger in ACT/Raidhub.
someone told me that being killed while in one of the root could be the trigger for the memwipe, but i wasn't able to confirm it.
So having pets up or down doesn't make a difference? I thought there was an association to mem-wiping/shuffle to deaths (including pets) -- no?