by EQ-Raiders
The basics of the Drinal fights are as follows. You either let Drinal absorb certain soul wells or you destroy them before he absorbs them. This effectively changes the challenge mode of the encounter.

Soulwell 1 Red - Temporal

  • Downstairs - Temporal Soulwell frontal cone AE (Red Text Warning Joust to behind Drinal)
  • Upstairs - Selected player gets warning on heart sinking (takes more incoming damage)

Soulwell 2 Blue - Exhaustion

  • Downstairs - 4 player elemental range check debuff draining health/power - To minimize this effect all players must get a minimum of 25 meters from Drinal. Because of Drinal's odd hit box it is more like 35 meters to be safe.
  • Upstairs - Puts a detriment on the MT which basically removes all their mitigation (Tank Swap).

Soulwell 3 Yellow - Patronage

  • Downstairs - 2 player noxious debuff range split - Two players with this incurable effect must get 35 meters away from eachother.
  • Upstairs - Addition of Patrons + Chain spawn Adds

Soulwell 4 Green - Transmogrification

  • Downstairs - Incurable curse - tank swap
  • Upstairs - Incurable curse - players are turned into werewolves and must destroy bubbles surrounding a nearby player.

The strategy for Drinal changes depending on which souls you let him absorb. There is also a small memwipe given to 3 and 4 soul drinal but can be nullified with enough tanks and snaps in raid. You may want to enter this zone with atleast 3-4 high aggro, high dps tanks.
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Cheesy 10-29-2013, 12:49 PM

Quote Originally Posted by xellium View Post
We were hoping the det description would give a better clue how to handle the situation but its vauge at best. It says something about your armor being melted. We know its a mit debuff but thats about it. Reading here it sounds like you are supposed to try to hold aggro while you have the dey for 30 seconds then pass it off.

We tried but it seems the tanks are getting one shotted almost instantly sometimes. We also tried passing aggro as soon as you get the det but that resulted in one shots as well. Coupled with the memwipe this seems overly challenging. Watching videos of succesful kills I can see that there must be some way to control this mechanic but as of yet we have not had luck.

What are we missing?
The Elemental at the top reduces the Mitigation of that tank to 0. If you aren't using brawlers who can just avoid all damage, you will want to swap it onto the other tank. If I remember right, its also a dehate, so chances are if your 2nd tank is 2nd on hate list, it should just swap onto them.
It doesn't matter about holding aggro etc with the det, its just a very large mit debuff.

If tank is being on shot, then they need more wards up, damage reductions etc. Either that or you've reached a high level of failure buffs (Curse or deaths), giving the named a lot of flurry/Base weapon mod.

Fight can be done with 2 tanks, just stack them both infront of Drinal, and make sure the tank who isnt tanking at the time is 2nd on hate list. You can pull the other adds onto tanks anyway as they don't do much, or have a 3rd tank to OT them.

EQ-Raiders 10-28-2013, 08:48 PM

If you dont have a brawler or two in raids to eat that detriment then you must swap tanks. The mem-wipe isnt that bad and Drinal doesnt do a lot of dmg compared to losing a tank. DPS harder up top because the faster he dies that means less adds and less wipes and less tank swaps. Try to aim for a 2 minute kill time up at the top.

Quote Originally Posted by xellium View Post
We have been working on 3sw for the last few weeks and have been hitting a wall on the exhaustion sw. We have the dowstairs souldrain down but the mitigation detriment and memwipe upstairs gets us every time.

We were hoping the det description would give a better clue how to handle the situation but its vauge at best. It says something about your armor being melted. We know its a mit debuff but thats about it. Reading here it sounds like you are supposed to try to hold aggro while you have the dey for 30 seconds then pass it off.

We tried but it seems the tanks are getting one shotted almost instantly sometimes. We also tried passing aggro as soon as you get the det but that resulted in one shots as well. Coupled with the memwipe this seems overly challenging. Watching videos of succesful kills I can see that there must be some way to control this mechanic but as of yet we have not had luck.

What are we missing?

xellium 10-28-2013, 01:45 PM

We have been working on 3sw for the last few weeks and have been hitting a wall on the exhaustion sw. We have the dowstairs souldrain down but the mitigation detriment and memwipe upstairs gets us every time.

We were hoping the det description would give a better clue how to handle the situation but its vauge at best. It says something about your armor being melted. We know its a mit debuff but thats about it. Reading here it sounds like you are supposed to try to hold aggro while you have the dey for 30 seconds then pass it off.

We tried but it seems the tanks are getting one shotted almost instantly sometimes. We also tried passing aggro as soon as you get the det but that resulted in one shots as well. Coupled with the memwipe this seems overly challenging. Watching videos of succesful kills I can see that there must be some way to control this mechanic but as of yet we have not had luck.

What are we missing?

Jeff383z 08-30-2013, 03:49 PM

Quote Originally Posted by tamorus View Post

Kill bubbles, kill patrons, kill Drinal, tank swap on Drinal every 30-45 seconds to let the mit debuff stacks expire...Once you get up the top...It is ALL about that and DPS! IMHO Every person should be stacked at max melee once the lift starts going up top and dropping dps and heal bombs...that and doing the mechancis of the fight!
^^^ What he said. ^^^ like my first raid leader said... Do more dps. Don't die. Same strategy for every mob.

tamorus 08-29-2013, 10:11 AM

Quote Originally Posted by Chronus View Post
Just an fyi, known bug. If the Temporal Soulwell frontal cone AE is being cast or currently in effect when Drinal hits 50% it will bug the script out if doing this with either exhaustion or patronage too, it will cause those 2 scripts to continue as you go up the lift/elevator and possibly have another round of them at the top.

Also I disagree entirely with the 3-4 high dps tank recomendation. 2 tanks is by far the best set up for 4 well Drinal, preferably Brawlers or guardians with plenty of snap ability. If you bring 3+ tanks to this mob you risk tanks in 1 healer groups having to tank the named for an extended period of time, possibly dieing and therefore failing the target check if that tank is called.

Another top tip is 2 tank groups, both have a mystic. This way if either of the tanks gets exhaustion while being called to tank the named the mystic can use Spirit Tap to prevent that entire group getting destroyed.
Agree with the dps tank theory here...Especially since once Drinal activates at the top he starts stacking a mitigation debuff on the tanks, that eventually, no matter how good a tank or healer, he will implode...and honestly the only group on this fight that should have 1 healer is the mage group and that is only if you have a rockstar fury
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Quote Originally Posted by Feanturi View Post
I was rummaging around the net last night looking for some advice and tips on the Drinal fight, and discovered this site. So here is my first post!

I was the Monk tank acting as the MT on Sunday night for a casual raidforce working through HEx4, and we reached Drinal. We chose the single soulwell version (the one giving the red cone). This was the first time I had had a real crack at MT-ing this fight, so I was aware I did not know the fight before this.

As I said, we are not a high DPS raidforce, but despite us not killing that quickly, we succeeded in getting him to 50% on the first pull and we then went on the lift upstairs. However, once at the top, when his stoneskin came off, he unloaded track loads of damage on me. After four death saves, the fifth one took me out, and the raid fell soon after., with Drinal on something like 40-45%.

Here are the hits on my monk for the entire fight:

[23:22:53 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 5714 slashing and 0 divine damage.
[23:24:10 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 53878 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:24:15 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 55192 slashing and 5000 divine damage.
[23:24:24 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 15199 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:25:09 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 30133 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:25:31 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 8425 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:26:16 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 27420 slashing and 4850 divine damage.
[23:26:19 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 43251 slashing and 4850 divine damage.
[23:26:40 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 47540 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:26:51 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 36157 slashing and 0 divine damage.
[23:26:54 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 68682 slashing and 0 divine damage.
[23:27:21 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 400 divine and 0 slashing damage.
[23:27:28 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 9237 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:27:58 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 14965 slashing and 0 divine damage.
[23:28:00 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 76117 slashing and 749 divine damage.
[23:28:05 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 30434 slashing and 4950 divine damage.
[23:29:06 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 141067 slashing, 5000 divine and 3000 disease damage.
[23:29:06 2013] You regain consciousness!
[23:29:10 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 137352 slashing, 4950 divine and 2970 disease damage.
[23:29:10 2013] You regain consciousness!
[23:29:50 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 270986 slashing, 0 divine and 0 disease damage.
[23:29:50 2013] You regain consciousness!
[23:30:04 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 197753 slashing, 2263 disease and 0 divine damage.
[23:30:04 2013] You regain consciousness!
[23:30:15 2013] Drinal hits YOU for 1649723 slashing, 9000 disease and 5000 divine damage.
[23:30:15 2013] Drinal has killed you.

I can see I was keeping him contained (with good healing/curing of course) until the 23:28 time mark, when the lift went up. Then look at those hits he landed on me after that!

So, my question to myself is, what can I do to handle that? There needs to be something going on there, a script I need to learn, perhaps a second tank, I don't know. Having read around, no-one seems to suggest anything specific for the one soulwell version, but if anyone can give me any advice, I'd love to hear. Thanks.
Dis you have a shaman in your group? If you died to a few 100k hits I would say no....

Yes you will take more damage up the top as patrons spawn, you get the mit debuff I just mentioned (from Drinal, not the patrons) and adds spawn every 15-30 seconds. Bubbles pop and if the big bastards in the raid (Werewolf form) do not kill the bubbles, the bubbles will explode and kill 1-10 people.

Kill bubbles, kill patrons, kill Drinal, tank swap on Drinal every 30-45 seconds to let the mit debuff stacks expire...Once you get up the top...It is ALL about that and DPS! IMHO Every person should be stacked at max melee once the lift starts going up top and dropping dps and heal bombs...that and doing the mechancis of the fight!

P.S This is for 4 Soul but works for all others too (Hint: Mit Debuff up top)

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