by EQ-Raiders
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PhaseX 04-19-2013, 06:14 AM

Ok. Here is what I know from killing this guy.

1. You don't need 10mil dps, we killed him with just under 7mil, The main boss will regenerate health once he gets below 50% health, this may be different than my telling of it, having 10mil at this point is ideal but not necessary.

2. Focus your raid dps on the mage(Sergrog) while off tank holds the other names. We used 3 tanks to split each name to make it easier on healers.

3. Periodically, the mage will agroe off the MT onto a random member. This member must step away from the raid force until agroe drops, otherwise its an ae raid wipe. Make sure you get about 45meters away or else its an ae wipe waiting to happen.

4. Have mages spam their absorb magic on main name at all times. It's best to make an ACT timer for Illusionary Arm, we kept it simple by having Act tells us to dispel.

5. If one member dies, the death of the member will spawn a cowardly healer that does about 25k heals, everyone must focus their dps on the mages otherwise its a wipe.

6 Once the mage is dead, the fight is cake. Kill Fereng next, then Zarghut and finally Tuzerk.

7. Have everyone stand at range for this fight until the mage goes down. Once the mage is out of the way then your raid force melee dps can do their thing.
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Quote Originally Posted by PhaseX View Post
Ok. Here is what I know from killing this guy.

1. You don't need 10mil dps, we killed him with just under 7mil, The main boss will regenerate health once he gets below 50% health, this may be different than my telling of it, having 10mil at this point is ideal but not necessary.

2. Focus your raid dps on the mage(Sergrog) while off tank holds the other names. We used 3 tanks to split each name to make it easier on healers.

3. Periodically, the mage will agroe off the MT onto a random member. This member must step away from the raid force until agroe drops, otherwise its an ae raid wipe. Make sure you get about 45meters away or else its an ae wipe waiting to happen.

4. Have mages spam their absorb magic on main name at all times. It's best to make an ACT timer for Illusionary Arm, we kept it simple by having Act tells us to dispel.

5. If one member dies, the death of the member will spawn a cowardly healer that does about 25k heals, everyone must focus their dps on the mages otherwise its a wipe.

6 Once the mage is dead, the fight is cake. Kill Fereng next, then Zarghut and finally Tuzerk.

7. Have everyone stand at range for this fight until the mage goes down. Once the mage is out of the way then your raid force melee dps can do their thing.
edit* Step 5. Should read as, "If one member dies, the death of the member will spawn a cowardly healer that does about 25k heals, everyone must focus their dps on the healer(s) otherwise its a wipe.

EQ-Raiders 03-27-2013, 09:03 AM

The only dps portion of the fight is the mage add IMO. The faster you kill that part of the encounter the better chance you have at finishing off Tuzerk.

Malleria 03-27-2013, 02:12 AM

It's not a dps fight, it's a control fight. Whoever the mage is attacking should turn it away from the raid. Keep them alive. Eventually you'll beat the mage down and from that point it's cake.

Demilitch 03-26-2013, 02:19 PM

Tried this one for a few hours. Pulled them out onto the main deck to get the AE Lifetapper away from the raid force and split them up. The mage mob is pretty much a constant fail condition. Cannot control him and unless you have well over 10million DPS to put on him, you are not going to burn him down fast enough before he wipes you.

EQ-Raiders 03-02-2013, 06:06 AM

The mage has no aggro control and was just one shotting people with its attacks.

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