Gen'ra (Normal + Challenge)
by Ebofu

Zarrakon 2.0.

3 Pools, blue, yellow, red.

3 Visions, blue, yellow and blurry.

Blue = Blue Pool
Yellow = Yellow Pool
Blurry = Red

Person with vision is given an incurable trauma so you can remind them to do it... If they do not make it to the pool, an add is spawned. If they run to the wrong pool its a huge raidwide debuff that is a near guaranteed wipe.

Urchin add. This spawns on someone and only ever attacks them, it also has their name as a tag. If its within 10m of anyone else it applies a curse which starts out at 20k damage but quickly ticks up to 60k, 80k, 120k hp which is unwardable. So its advisable to move them away from raid and either range them down or only have high dps scouts melee it with healers curing them.

Name has two aoes. Trauma hits hard, arcane less so. Hits extremely hard if people die. Very severe death penalty which caps at 4 but expires after roughly 30 seconds.
Tanked him in line with Yellow Pool.
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Cheesy 06-02-2014, 03:34 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Demilitch View Post
Finding information on the HM fight here is a bit difficult, but I will post what we have.

Fight Gen'ra in the middle and just have the MT hold him.
Have a caster group and a tank group at the wall where the War Council is waiting.
Have at least 3 mages dispel magic on the wall.
--This turns the fight HM.
Pull the war council back to the raid force. Have a third tank pull the Heretic about 20 meters away from the raid force. I think this is because he stuns.
You still have to kill the urchins.
You still have to run to the pools
There is something about the order they are killed in because they revive after you kill them.
All the war council members need to be dispelled multiple times too throughout the encounter or they power drain the heck out of you.
Heretic is pulled away because he has 2 AoEs:
1st one, gives him an incremental buff, that the more people it hits, the more he gains.
2nd one, damage based upon the amount of increments he has. If its a large amount, the AE will hurt.

Vicar must die first or he will just revive others. Burn him to 0%, he'll revive himself, burn again, he stays down. Kill other 3.

Gen'ra then takes damage, pile behind it, kill the urchins that pop still, and spawns a conduit add which must be killed as a priority.

Rest is fine.

Demilitch 06-01-2014, 08:52 PM

Finding information on the HM fight here is a bit difficult, but I will post what we have.

Fight Gen'ra in the middle and just have the MT hold him.
Have a caster group and a tank group at the wall where the War Council is waiting.
Have at least 3 mages dispel magic on the wall.
--This turns the fight HM.
Pull the war council back to the raid force. Have a third tank pull the Heretic about 20 meters away from the raid force. I think this is because he stuns.
You still have to kill the urchins.
You still have to run to the pools
There is something about the order they are killed in because they revive after you kill them.
All the war council members need to be dispelled multiple times too throughout the encounter or they power drain the heck out of you.

EQ-Raiders 07-27-2013, 09:45 AM

Any one have some information on Challenge Mode?

visink 06-08-2013, 09:07 PM

Blurry vision is now Red vision.

EQ-Raiders 05-12-2013, 08:43 PM

Nice Info Ebofu. Credit Given.

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