Entrancer Lisha
by Ebofu
Main name and 2 eel adds.

Need to use Waxy Urchin Roe on this fight, just click it every time its available ( 140second duration, 100second reuse). Easy to just macro it to a common spell, has no cast or recovery. If anyone in raid does not maintain this item they will be charmed and one shot everyone in raid. These are from killing the Waxy Urchins in zone.

3 Groups are burning Lisha, she mem wipes (easy) and casts 2 aoes. 1 AE is numb senses which does nothing. She then casts Consume Vitae, which if Numb Senses wasn't cured, heals her considerably. Big Cure Check fight, doesn't hit hard.

1 Group runs the eel's, moving after each pool. Eel's have to be killed after Lisha. They cast a nox ae that if not cured within 3s you are CC'd out of the fight for 60s, generally a wipe.
Eel's sporadically wipe to Lisha.
If anyone is hit by the noxious pool, they are stunned and hit for 60% hp/pwr every tick for roughly 10seconds, this detriment can then spread off them, so if anyone fails a pool, make sure you get away from them.
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EQ-Raiders 05-12-2013, 08:46 PM

Nice info, credit given.

Ebofu 05-12-2013, 07:57 AM

Main name and 2 eel adds.

Need to use Waxy Urchin Roe on this fight, just click it every time its available ( 140second duration, 100second reuse). Easy to just macro it to a common spell, has no cast or recovery. If anyone in raid does not maintain this item they will be charmed and one shot everyone in raid. These are from killing the Waxy Urchins in zone.

3 Groups are burning Lisha, she mem wipes (easy) and casts 2 aoes. 1 AE is numb senses which does nothing. She then casts Consume Vitae, which if Numb Senses wasn't cured, heals her considerably. Big Cure Check fight, doesn't hit hard.

1 Group runs the eel's, moving after each pool. Eel's have to be killed after Lisha. They cast a nox ae that if not cured within 3s you are CC'd out of the fight for 60s, generally a wipe.
Eel's sporadically wipe to Lisha.
If anyone is hit by the noxious pool, they are stunned and hit for 60% hp/pwr every tick for roughly 10seconds, this detriment can then spread off them, so if anyone fails a pool, make sure you get away from them.

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