We usually just use 2 spots and go back and forth. Curse should be cured, easier than healing through it. The swarm adds can even just be grabbed by an off-tank and held till the fight is over. Don't take a rez if you die while the yellow circle is up, if you were outside and get rezzed inside (or the other way around) it will trigger the fail effect HP/power drain.
Strat -
Raid must stack up, will spawn a Whirlwind on pull.
Raid must move from whirlwind. Otherwise you lose mass power.
Raid + Tank moves sideways across the room in small stages (about 10-15m). 3 of the Squares on the floor is a safe distance.
After about the 4th Whirlwind, mob will start creating Yellow circles on the floor. When these pop, people must NOT move. If you are in the circle, stay in it. If out, stay out.
Crossing the the circle either direction will cause a large HP/Power drain + Kickback.
Swarm adds that are heroic and can just be burnt down by AoEs.
Has a bit of a nasty curse that will land on the MT, just be aware of it doing decent damage. Destructive Slam, roughly a 35s timer. Crushing damage.
1 AE - Symbol of Consuption - 30s Timer. Magic Damage.