Protector of Stone
by Cheesy
Named will place increments on raid members, dependent on their distance from him. There are 2 colors: blue and red. They will both tick up to 10 increments, if you reach 10, you cause a wipe.
Standing Within 7m, will cause Blue increments to go down, and red to go up.
Standing Outside of 7m, will cause Red increments to go down, and Blue to go up.

Tanks will be effected by this, and in such creates a tank swap mechanic. If the first tank pulls named, the 2nd tank should stand and build up their blue increments as fast as they can, so they get longer time tanking named before swapping again. When tank on named has 6 or 7 red increments, swap to other tank, who then has 6 or 7 blues to tick down, and back upto 6 or 7 red.

Named will also place a curse on random raid members, which requires you to be within 8m of the mob. If you fail this, you get a knockback that usually ends up with several raid members off the edge.

Basically always be either at 7m or 8m from the named, never further. (Unless Add tank)

Spawns an add that must be killed at a distance from the named. Roughly 17m from Named. If killed too close or too far, named gets damage immunity for a period of time. (Not a major issue, just prolongs fight.)

Short Version: Blue far, Red close, Tank swap, add killed at right distance.
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Cheesy 01-12-2014, 08:30 PM

Quote Originally Posted by cmors View Post
There is a curse...I believe you can get the curse by stacking up too many dets...if you get the curse you need to stand at the named and wait till the curse expires. If you are too far away from the named while cursed there will be a KB that blows everyone off of the platform...your name goes up in red and everyone knows who wasn't paying attention.

We try to keep the red/blue dets around 2 just in case you get the curse.
Curse is just scripted. If everyone stays within 8m at all times anyway, can totally ignore it. It just requires you to be within 8m

cmors 01-11-2014, 02:38 PM

There is a curse...I believe you can get the curse by stacking up too many dets...if you get the curse you need to stand at the named and wait till the curse expires. If you are too far away from the named while cursed there will be a KB that blows everyone off of the platform...your name goes up in red and everyone knows who wasn't paying attention.

We try to keep the red/blue dets around 2 just in case you get the curse.

Kraerefru 12-19-2013, 11:00 AM

There are two types of this add he spawns. One has refrective or some such under his name. Reflective (projecting) custodian has to be killed close to the name. There is also protective or such. It needs to be killed away from the name.

I will post exact descriptions of both when we fight him again.

EQ-Raiders 12-15-2013, 06:03 AM

Given Credit Cheesy. Nice information.

Demilitch 12-05-2013, 10:14 PM

The Red increments tend to land faster than the blue ones, so depending on your DPS, you might need a 3rd tank. This guy hits pretty hard and the red increments cause damage. Once you have about 4-5 of them on you as a tank you are going to start taking massive damage.

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